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Reference Material for Ju 87B

68 Books Found

Aces of the Air
Author(s): Mason
Publisher: Mayflower Books (1981)
Aircraft of the Second World War: The Development of the Warplane 1939-49
Author(s): Jarrett (ed.)
Publisher: Putnam (1997)
Archiv: Band 11
Author(s): Franzke (ed.)
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (2000)
Archiv: Band 9
Author(s): Franzke (ed.)
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1998)
Black Cross, Red Star: The Air War over the Eastern Front - Volume 1: Operation Barbarossa 1941
Author(s): Bergström, Mikhailov
Publisher: Pacifica Military History (2000)
Black Cross, Red Star: The Air War over the Eastern Front - Volume 2: Resurgence January-June 1942
Author(s): Bergström, Mikhailov
Publisher: Pacifica Military History (2001)
Bombers and Reconnaissance Aircraft: 1935 to the Present
Author(s): Cescotti
Publisher: Schiffer (2001)
Cockpits deutscher Flugzeug: Historische Instrumentierungen von 1911-1970
Author(s): Cohausz
Publisher: Aviatic Verlag (2000)
Condor: The Luftwaffe in Spain 1936-1939
Author(s): Laureau
Publisher: Hikoki (2000)
Courage Alone: The Italian Air Force 1940-1943
Author(s): Dunning
Publisher: Hikoki (1998)
Czarne krzyze i czerwone gwiazdy (Red Stars and Black Crosses)
Author(s): Iwanow
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Militaria (2003)
Deutsche Flugzeugcockpits und Instrumentenbretter Zweiter Weltkrieg: Heinkel - Junkers
Author(s): Cohausz
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1999)
Die Deutsche Luftrüstung 1933-1945, Band 3: Flugzeugtypen Henschel - Messerschmitt
Author(s): Nowarra
Publisher: Bernard & Graefe Verlag (1993)
Die Flugzeugführer - Ausbildung der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945, Band II
Author(s): Carlsen, Meyer
Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (2000)
Foto-Archiv: Band 11
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.)
Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (2003)
Foto-Archiv: Band 5
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.)
Publisher: Heinz Nickel Verlag (1995)
Foto-Archiv: Band 8
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.)
Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (1999)
German Aircraft Guns and Cannons
Author(s): Hoffschmidt
Publisher: WE, Inc. (1969)
German Aircraft in Finland 1939-1945
Author(s): Keskinen, Stenman
Publisher: Apali Oy (1998)
German Aircraft Industry and Production
Author(s): Vajda, Dancey
Publisher: SAE International / Airlife (1998)
German Fighters over the Med
Author(s): Philpott
Publisher: Aztex/ Patrick Stephens (1981)
Hs 129 in Combat: Sch.G 1 & Sch.G 2
Author(s): Murawski
Publisher: Kagero (2002)
Hungarian Air Force
Author(s): Punka
Publisher: Squadron/Signal (1994)
Hungarian Eagles: The Hungarian Air Forces 1920-1945
Author(s): Sárhidai, Punka, Kozlik
Publisher: Hikoki (1996)
Ils étaient là ... L'armée de l'Air Septembre 39 - Juin 40
Author(s): Martin, Martin
Publisher: Aéro Éditions (2001)
Ju 87 (Vol.2)
Publisher: Bunrin-Do (1977)
Ju 87 [Vol.1, but not numbered as such]
Publisher: Bunrin-Do (1972)
Junkers Ju 87 "Picchiatello"
Author(s): Di Terlizzi
Publisher: IBN Editore (1999)
Junkers Ju 87 from 1936 to 1945
Author(s): Leonard, Jouineau
Publisher: Histoire & Collections (2003)
Junkers Ju 87 Stukageschwader 1937-41
Author(s): Weal
Publisher: Osprey (1997)
Junkers Ju 87 Stukageschwader of North Africa and the Mediterranean
Author(s): Weal
Publisher: Osprey (1998)
KG 200: The Luftwaffe's Most Secret Unit
Author(s): Thomas, Ketley
Publisher: Hikoki (2003)
Luftkrieg über Afrika: Die Italienische und Deutsche Luftwaffe über dem Mittelmeer 1940-1943, Band I
Author(s): Lucchini, Leproni
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1998)
Luftkrieg über Afrika: Die Italienische und Deutsche Luftwaffe über dem Mittelmeer 1940-1943, Band II
Author(s): Lucchini, Leproni
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1999)
Luftwaffe Camouflage of World War 2
Author(s): Philpott
Publisher: Patrick Stephens Ltd. (1975)
Luftwaffe Colors, Volume 1: 1935-40 [same as Luftwaffe Camouflage & Markings, Vol.1]
Author(s): Merrick
Publisher: Arco (1973)
Luftwaffe Colours 1935-1945
Author(s): Ullmann
Publisher: Hikoki (2002)
Luftwaffe Colours 1935-1945
Author(s): Ullmann
Publisher: Hikoki (2008)
Luftwaffe Emblems 1939-1945
Author(s): Ketley, Rolfe
Publisher: Hikoki (1998)
Luftwaffe Fledglings 1935-1945: Luftwaffe Training Units & their Aircraft
Author(s): Ketley, Rolfe
Publisher: Hikoki (1996)
Luftwaffe im Focus, Edition No. 15
Author(s): Urbanke
Publisher: Start Verlag (2008)
Luftwaffe Test Pilot
Author(s): Lerche
Publisher: Jane's (1980)
Luftwaffe Warbird Color Samples & Schemes 1939-1945
Publisher: AeroMaster (2000)
Markings and Camouflage Systems of Luftwaffe Aircraft in World War II: Volume IV
Author(s): Ries
Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1972)
Photo Collection: Luftwaffe Embleme 1935-1945
Author(s): Ries
Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1976)
Regia Aeronautica 1935-1943
Author(s): Wawrzynski, Lalak
Publisher: Pegaz / Ulica Lipowa (1998)
Regia Aeronautica: A Pictorial History of the Italian Air Force 1940-1943
Author(s): Shores
Publisher: Squadron/Signal (1976)
Regia Aeronautica: Balcani e Fronte Orientale
Author(s): Emiliani, Ghergo, Vigna
Publisher: Intergest (1974)
Regia Aeronautica: Colori e Insegne 1935-1945
Author(s): Emiliani, Ghergo, Vigna
Publisher: Intergest (1974)
Regia Aeronautica: I Fronti Africani
Author(s): Emiliani, Ghergo, Vigna
Publisher: Albertelli (1979)
Regia Aeronautica: Il Settore Mediterraneo
Author(s): Emiliani, Ghergo, Vigna
Publisher: Intergest (1976)
Sojusznicy Luftwaffe, cz. 1
Publisher: Books International (0)
Sojusznicy Luftwaffe, cz. 2
Publisher: Books International (2000)
St.G 2 "Immelmann"
Author(s): Murawski
Publisher: Kagero (2003)
Strike in the Balkans, April-May 1941
Author(s): Mombeek, Roba, Pegg
Publisher: Classic Publications (2003)
The Bulgarian Air Force in Action During the Second World War
Author(s): Nedialkov
Publisher: FARK OOD (2001)
The Gatefold Book of World War II Airplanes
Publisher: Barnes & Noble (1995)
The History of Warplanes [sic] Paint and Camouflage 1914-45
Author(s): Nohara
Publisher: Green Arrow (2001)
The Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain
Author(s): van Ishoven
Publisher: Ian Allan (1998)
The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force: 1933-1945
Author(s): Royal Air Force
Publisher: St. Martin's Press (1983)
The Unknown War in Moskow's Skies, 1941-1942
Author(s): Kazanov
Publisher: Tekniki Molodezhi (1999)
Trophei Vozdushnik Bitv 1941-1945 ["Trophies of Aerial Battle 1941-1945"]
Author(s): Ivanov
Publisher: Strategia KM (2001)
Uwaga Stukas! - Czesc 1
Author(s): Michulec
Publisher: Armagedon (2002)
War Prizes
Author(s): Butler
Publisher: Midland Counties Publications (1994)
Wings of Fame, Volume 13
Author(s): Gunston, Aloni, Goodspeed, Mladenov, Thompson, Dorr, Davis
Publisher: Aerospace / AIRtime (1999)
Wings of Fame, Volume 18
Author(s): Dorr, Davis, Bowman, Buttler, Rankin-Lowe, Mason, Weal
Publisher: Aerospace / AIRtime (2000)
Wings of Italy: The Italian Air Force in Original WW II Colour Pictures
Author(s): Apostolo
Publisher: Giorgio Apostolo Editore (1997)
Zerstörer Gruppe: A History of V./(Z)LG 1 - I./NJG 3 1939-1941
Author(s): Von Eimannsberger
Publisher: Schiffer (1998)