| "Checkmate"
Author(s): Brown, Wadman Publisher: Experten Historical Aviation Research (1997) |
 | Aces
Author(s): Patton Publisher: Squadron/Signal (1998) |
 | Aces II
Author(s): Wayne Patton Publisher: Squadron/Signal (2001) |
 | Aces III
Author(s): Kelly Publisher: Squadron/Signal (2004) |
 | Adolf Galland
Author(s): Michulec, Caldwell Publisher: MMP/Stratus (2003) |
 | Air War over Germany: The USAAF Bombing Campaign 1944-1945
Author(s): Ethell Publisher: Arms and Armour Press (1985) |
 | Aircraft Aces 2: Josef Priller, Hans Waldman, Wolfgang Späte
Author(s): Murawski Publisher: Kagero (2004) |
 | Aircraft of the Aces
Author(s): Holmes Publisher: Osprey (2004) |
 | Aircraft of the Luftwaffe Fighter Aces I
Author(s): Barbas Publisher: Schiffer (1995) |
 | Aircraft of the Luftwaffe Fighter Aces II
Author(s): Barbas Publisher: Schiffer (1995) |
 | Aircraft of the Second World War: The Development of the Warplane 1939-49
Author(s): Jarrett (ed.) Publisher: Putnam (1997) |
 | Aircraft of World War 2
Author(s): Gunston Publisher: Crescent Books (1980) |
 | Airfoil #2
Author(s): Sheflin et al. Publisher: Airfoil Publications (1984) |
 | Airfoil #4
Author(s): Sheflin et al. Publisher: Airfoil Publications (1986) |
 | Airframe & Miniature No. 1: The Messerschmitt Me 262 (Second Edition)
Author(s): Franks Publisher: Valiant Wings Publishing (2021) |
 | Airplanes of the World: from Pusher to Jet, 1490 to 1954
Author(s): Rolfe, Dawydoff Publisher: Simon and Schuster (1954) |
 | An Illustrated Guide to German, Italian and Japanese Fighters of World War II
Author(s): Gunston Publisher: Arco (1980) |
 | Archiv: Band 1
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.) Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1988) |
 | Archiv: Band 10
Author(s): Franzke (ed.) Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1998) |
 | Archiv: Band 4
Author(s): Franzke (ed.) Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1990) |
 | Archiv: Band 6
Author(s): Franzke (ed.) Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1993) |
 | Archiv: Band 7
Author(s): Grielhl (ed.) Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1995) |
 | Archiv: Band 9
Author(s): Franzke (ed.) Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1998) |
 | Aufklärer: Luftwaffe Reconnaissance Aircraft & Units 1935-1945
Author(s): Wadman, Bradley, Ketley Publisher: Hikoki (1997) |
 | Bombers and Reconnaissance Aircraft: 1935 to the Present
Author(s): Cescotti Publisher: Schiffer (2001) |
 | Camouflage & Markings of the Luftwaffe Aircraft Vol. 1: Day Fighters
Author(s): Publisher: Model Art (1988) |
 | Camouflage & Markings of the Luftwaffe Aircraft, Vol. 2
Author(s): Publisher: Model Art (1990) |
 | Camouflage & Markings: Luftwaffe 1939-1945
Author(s): Reynolds Publisher: Argus Books (1992) |
 | Chasseurs de Nuit Allemands de la Derniere Guerre
Author(s): Kit, Aders Publisher: Editions Atlas (1979) |
 | Cockpits deutscher Flugzeug: Historische Instrumentierungen von 1911-1970
Author(s): Cohausz Publisher: Aviatic Verlag (2000) |
 | Colours of the Luftwaffe
Author(s): Parry, Marshall Publisher: Clifford Frost Ltd. (1987) |
 | Combat Aircraft of World War Two
Author(s): Weal, Weal Publisher: MacMillan (1977) |
 | Cutaway Aircraft of World War Two
Author(s): Publisher: Argus Books (1989) |
 | Czechoslovakian Air Force 1918-1970
Author(s): Titz, Ward Publisher: Arco (1971) |
 | Das Buch der Deutschen Luftfahrttechnik: Bildteil
Author(s): Lange Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1970) |
 | Defeat in the West 1943-1945
Author(s): Spick Publisher: Greenhill / Stackpole (1998) |
 | Der erste Turbinenjager der Welt Me 262
Author(s): Hecht Publisher: Podzun-Pallas-Verlag (1979) |
 | Deutsche Flugzeugcockpits und Instrumentenbretter - Teil 8; Zweiter Weltkrieg Messerschmitt-Winter
Author(s): Cohausz Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (2008) |
 | Deutsche Jagdflugzeuge 1939-1945 in Farbrofilen
Author(s): Sundin, Bergstrom Publisher: Bernard & Graefe Verlag (1997) |
 | Deutsche Luftwaffe über der Schweiz
Author(s): Ries Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1978) |
 | Deutsche Nachtjaeger im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Podzun-Pallas-Verlag (1986) |
 | Die Deutsche Luftrüstung 1933-1945, Band 3: Flugzeugtypen Henschel - Messerschmitt
Author(s): Nowarra Publisher: Bernard & Graefe Verlag (1993) |
 | Die Deutsche Tagjagd: Ar 68, He 51, Bf 109, Bf 110, Fw 190, Me 163, Me 262, He 162, Ba 349
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Podzun-Pallas-Verlag (2002) |
 | Die Flugzeugführer - Ausbildung der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945, Band II
Author(s): Carlsen, Meyer Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (2000) |
 | Dora-Kurfürst und rote 13: Band III
Author(s): Ries Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1966) |
 | Dora-Kurfürst und rote 13: Band IV
Author(s): Ries Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1969) |
 | Eagles of Duxford: The 78th Fighter Group in World War II
Author(s): Fry Publisher: Phalanx (1991) |
 | Famous Fighters of the Second World War (Volume 1, but not titled as such)
Author(s): Green Publisher: MacDonald (1957) |
 | Fighter Aces of the Luftwaffe
Author(s): Toliver, Constable Publisher: Aero (1977) |
 | Fighter Command
Author(s): Ethell, Sand Publisher: Motorbooks International (1991) |
 | Fighters of World War II
Author(s): Tullis Publisher: Eagle Editions (2000) |
 | Fighters of World War II
Author(s): Donald, Fretwell, Hasegawa Publisher: Crescent Books (1985) |
 | Fighters of World War Two, Vol. 2
Author(s): Bentley et al. Publisher: Argus Books (1988) |
 | Flugerprobungsstellen bis 1945: Johannisthal, Lipsek, Rechlin, Travemünde, Tarnewitz, Peenemünde-W
Author(s): Beauvais, Kössler, Mayer, Regel Publisher: Bernard & Graefe Verlag (1998) |
 | Flugzeuge gegen Panzer
Author(s): Griehl, Dressel Publisher: Podzun-Pallas-Verlag (1990) |
 | Flying Colors
Author(s): Green, Swanborough Publisher: Squadron/Signal; Salamander (1981) |
 | Flying Scoreboards
Author(s): McDowell Publisher: Squadron/Signal (1993) |
 | Foto-Archiv: Band 1
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.) Publisher: Heinz Nickel Verlag (1992) |
 | Foto-Archiv: Band 11
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.) Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (2003) |
 | Foto-Archiv: Band 2
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.) Publisher: Heinz Nickel Verlag (1993) |
 | Foto-Archiv: Band 4
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.) Publisher: Heinz Nickel Verlag (1994) |
 | Foto-Archiv: Band 6
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.) Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (1997) |
 | German Air Force Fighters of World War Two: Volume One
Author(s): Windrow Publisher: Doubleday (1971) |
 | German Air Projects 1935-1945 Vol. 3
Author(s): Rys Publisher: MMP/Stratus (2007) |
 | German Aircraft Guns and Cannons
Author(s): Hoffschmidt Publisher: WE, Inc. (1969) |
 | German Aircraft Interiors 1935-1945: Vol. 1
Author(s): Merrick Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1996) |
 | German Aircraft Landing Gear
Author(s): Sengfelder Publisher: Schiffer (1993) |
 | German Aircraft Markings 1939-1945
Author(s): Merrick Publisher: Sky Books (1977) |
 | German Aircraft of the Second World War
Author(s): Smith, Kay, Creek Publisher: Putnam (1972) |
 | German Fighters of World War 2
Author(s): Philpott Publisher: Patrick Stephens/ Airfix (1977) |
 | German Fighters of World War II
Author(s): Ragni Publisher: Squadron/Signal (1979) |
 | German Jet Aces of World War 2
Author(s): Morgan, Weal Publisher: Osprey (1998) |
 | German Jets 1944-1945
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Greenhill / Stackpole (1999) |
 | German Jets of World War Two
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Arms and Armour Press (1988) |
 | German Jets Versus The U.S. Army Air Force
Author(s): Hess Publisher: Specialty Press (1996) |
 | German Night Fighters in World War II
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Schiffer (1990) |
 | German Short-Range Reconnaissance Planes 1930-1945
Author(s): Griehl, Dressel Publisher: Schiffer (1989) |
 | German Warplanes of World War II
Author(s): Mason Publisher: Crescent Books (1983) |
 | Ghost Bombers: The Moonlight War of NSG 9
Author(s): Beale Publisher: Classic Publications (2001) |
 | Green Hearts, First in Combat with the Dora 9
Author(s): Urbanke Publisher: Eagle Editions (1998) |
 | He 219: An Illustrated History of Germany's Premier Nightfighter
Author(s): Remp Publisher: Schiffer (2000) |
 | Heinkel He 177, 277, 274
Author(s): Griehl, Dressel Publisher: Airlife (1998) |
 | History of the German Night Fighter Force: 1917-1945
Author(s): Aders Publisher: Jane's (1979) |
 | Hitler's Luftwaffe
Author(s): Wood, Gunston Publisher: Salamander (1977) |
 | In a Now Forgotten Sky: The 31st Fighter Group in WW2
Author(s): Kucera Publisher: Flying Machines Press (1997) |
 | Jagdgeschwader 7 'Nowotny'
Author(s): Forsyth Publisher: Osprey (2008) |
 | Jagdverband 44: Squadron of Experten
Author(s): Forsyth Publisher: Osprey (2008) |
 | Jet Bombers: From the Messerschmitt Me 262 to the Stealth B-2
Author(s): Gunston, Gilchrist Publisher: Osprey (1993) |
 | Jet Planes of the Third Reich
Author(s): Smith, Creek Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1982) |
 | Jet Planes of the Third Reich, The Secret Projects - Volume One
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1998) |
 | JG 54: Jagdgeschwader 54 Grünherz -- Aces of the Eastern Front
Author(s): Scutts Publisher: Airlife (1992) |
 | JG 7 "Nowotny"
Author(s): Murawski Publisher: Kagero (2002) |
 | JG 7: The World's First Jet Fighter Unit 1944/1945
Author(s): Boehme Publisher: Schiffer (1992) |
 | JV 44: The Galland Circus
Author(s): Forsyth, Creek, Bentley Publisher: Classic Publications (1996) |
 | Kampfgeschwader "Edelweiss"
Author(s): Dierich Publisher: Ian Allan (1975) |
 | La Bataille Aérienne de Normandie - Juin/Août 44
Author(s): Buffetaut Publisher: Editions Lela Presse (1994) |
 | La Chasse de Nuit Allemande 1939-1945
Author(s): Cuny Publisher: E.P.A. (1980) |
 | Les Avions Allemands aux Couleurs Francaises, Tome 2
Author(s): Ricco, Soumille, Courrier Publisher: Editions Lela Presse (1997) |
 | Luftfahrt Bilder, Texte Dokumente: Handbuch 4
Author(s): Publisher: Mittler (1978) |
 | Luftfahrt Bilder, Texte Dokumente: Handbuch 5
Author(s): Publisher: Mittler (1978) |
 | Luftwaffe 1935-1945: Part 4
Author(s): Michulec Publisher: AJ Press (1998) |
 | Luftwaffe 1935-1945: Part 5
Author(s): Chmielewski, Michulec Publisher: AJ Press (1998) |
 | Luftwaffe Aces in WWII
Author(s): Nohara Publisher: Green Arrow (1994) |
 | Luftwaffe Aircraft and Aces
Author(s): Maloney Publisher: Air Museum (1969) |
 | Luftwaffe Camouflage & Markings 1935-45, Vol 3
Author(s): Smith, Gallaspy Publisher: Kookaburra Technical Publications (1977) |
 | Luftwaffe Codes, Markings, and Units 1939-1945
Author(s): Rosch Publisher: Schiffer (1995) |
 | Luftwaffe Color Schemes and Markings 1935-1945 Volume 1
Author(s): Windrow Publisher: Osprey (1971) |
 | Luftwaffe Color Schemes and Markings 1935-1945 Volume 2
Author(s): Windrow Publisher: Osprey (1971) |
 | Luftwaffe Colour Schemes and Markings 1935-45 (Vol.1)
Author(s): Windrow Publisher: Arco (1971) |
 | Luftwaffe Colour Schemes and Markings 1935-45 (Vol.2)
Author(s): Windrow Publisher: Arco (1971) |
 | Luftwaffe Colours 1935-1945
Author(s): Ullmann Publisher: Hikoki (2008) |
 | Luftwaffe Colours 1935-1945
Author(s): Ullmann Publisher: Hikoki (2002) |
 | Luftwaffe Emblems 1939-1945
Author(s): Ketley Publisher: Crécy Publishing (2012) |
 | Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile
Author(s): Sundin, Bergström Publisher: Schiffer (1997) |
 | Luftwaffe Fighters 1945
Author(s): Murawski, Wrobel Publisher: Kagero (2009) |
 | Luftwaffe Fledglings 1935-1945: Luftwaffe Training Units & their Aircraft
Author(s): Ketley, Rolfe Publisher: Hikoki (1996) |
 | Luftwaffe in Detail: Airwar over the Czech Lands
Author(s): Rajlich Publisher: Wings & Wheels Publications (2000) |
 | Luftwaffe in World War II
Author(s): Feist, Francillon Publisher: Aero (1968) |
 | Luftwaffe in World War II: Part 3
Author(s): Feist Publisher: Aero (1980) |
 | Luftwaffe Night Fighter Units 1939-45
Author(s): Scutts Publisher: Sky Books (1978) |
 | Luftwaffe Night Fighters
Author(s): Publisher: Model Art (1996) |
 | Luftwaffe over Czech Territory 1945
Author(s): Rajlich, Kokoska, Janda Publisher: JaPo (2001) |
 | Luftwaffe Painting Guide
Author(s): Smith, Pentland, Lutz Publisher: Kookaburra Technical Publications (1979) |
 | Luftwaffe Warbird Color Samples & Schemes 1939-1945
Author(s): Publisher: AeroMaster (2000) |
 | Luftwaffe Warbirds Photo Album, Vol. 1
Author(s): Publisher: Delta Publishing (1992) |
 | Luftwaffe Warbirds Photo Album, Vol. 2
Author(s): Publisher: Delta Publishing (1992) |
 | Luftwaffe Warbirds Photo Album, Vol. 3
Author(s): Publisher: Delta Publishing (1993) |
 | Luftwaffe Warbirds Photo Album, Vol. 4
Author(s): Publisher: Delta Publishing (1993) |
 | Luftwaffe Warbirds Photo Album, Vol. 5
Author(s): Publisher: Delta Publishing (1994) |
 | Luftwaffe Warbirds Photo Album, Vol. 6
Author(s): Publisher: Delta Publishing (1994) |
 | Luftwaffe: A Pictorial History
Author(s): Mombeek Publisher: Crowood (1997) |
 | Luftwaffen Warplane [sic] 1928-45
Author(s): Nohara Publisher: Green Arrow (2001) |
 | Me 262
Author(s): Radinger, Schick Publisher: Aviatic Verlag (1992) |
 | Me 262 - Das Vielzweckflugzeug
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Podzun-Pallas-Verlag (1984) |
 | Me 262 Bomber and Reconnaissance Units
Author(s): Forsyth, Creek Publisher: Osprey (2012) |
 | Me 262 in Action
Author(s): Stapfer Publisher: Squadron/Signal (2008) |
 | Me 262 in Combat
Author(s): Murawski Publisher: Kagero (2003) |
 | Me 262 Schwalbe, Part 1
Author(s): Fleischer, Rys Publisher: AJ Press (1998) |
 | Me 262 Schwalbe, Part 2
Author(s): Fleischer, Rys Publisher: AJ Press (1998) |
 | Me 262 Units
Author(s): Murawski Publisher: Kagero (2005) |
 | Me 262 Varianten
Author(s): Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (0) |
 | Me 262 vs P-51 Mustang: Europe 1944-45
Author(s): Forsyth Publisher: Osprey (2019) |
 | Me 262: Stormbird Rising
Author(s): Morgan Publisher: Motorbooks International (1994) |
 | Me 262: Volume 1
Author(s): Smith, Creek Publisher: Classic Publications (1998) |
 | Me 262: Volume 2
Author(s): Smith, Creek Publisher: Classic Publications (1998) |
 | Me 262: Volume 3
Author(s): Smith, Creek Publisher: Classic Publications (2000) |
 | Me 262: Volume 4
Author(s): Smith, Creek Publisher: Classic Publications (2000) |
 | Me 262A
Author(s): Hildebrandt Publisher: Fighter Pictorials (1993) |
 | Me 262A-1
Author(s): Smith, Creek Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1983) |
 | Messerschmitt
Author(s): Pritchard Publisher: Putnam (1975) |
 | Messerschmitt
Author(s): van Ishoven Publisher: Galleon/ Omega (1975) |
 | Messerschmitt 262: A Pictorial and Design Study Including the Pilot Handbook
Author(s): Rice (ed.) Publisher: Aviation Publications (1972) |
 | Messerschmitt 262: Arrow to the Future
Author(s): Boyne Publisher: Smithsonian Institution Press (1980) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Publisher: Model Art (1991) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Stapfer Publisher: Squadron/Signal (2006) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Balous, Rajlich Publisher: MBI (1995) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Schiffer (2004) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Badinger & Schick Publisher: Schiffer (1993) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Mantelli, Brown, Kittel, Graf Publisher: Edizioni R.E.I. (2015) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Publisher: Bunrin-Do (1987) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Baker Publisher: Crowood (1997) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Described (Part 1)
Author(s): Merrick Publisher: Kookaburra Technical Publications (1972) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Described (Part 2)
Author(s): Merrick Publisher: Kookaburra Technical Publications (1972) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 in Defense of the Third Reich
Author(s): Murawski Publisher: Kagero (2007) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe
Author(s): Balous, Rajlich, Sehnal Publisher: MBI (1992) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe: A-1a/B-1a Models
Author(s): Lukasik Publisher: Kagero (2008) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Sturmvogel
Author(s): Jenkins Publisher: Specialty Press (1996) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Sturmvogel: Typen und Technik im Detail
Author(s): Jenkins Publisher: Bechtermünz Verlag (1997) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Variations, Proposed Versions & Project Designs Series Vol 1
Author(s): Myhra Publisher: Schiffer (2003) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Variations, Proposed Versions & Project Designs Series Vol 2
Author(s): Myhra Publisher: Schiffer (2004) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262 Variations, Proposed Versions & Project Designs Series Vol 3
Author(s): Myhra Publisher: Schiffer (2004) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262, Arrow to the Future
Author(s): Boyne Publisher: Schiffer (1994) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262: A Guide to the Luftwaffe's First Jet Fighter
Author(s): Franks Publisher: Valiant Wings Publishing (2010) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262: The Production Log 1941-1945
Author(s): O'Connell Publisher: Classic Publications (2005) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262A
Author(s): Nohara, Shiwaku Publisher: Dai-Nippon Kaiga Co., Ltd. (1993) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 262A Schwalbe
Author(s): Pęczkowski Publisher: MMP/Stratus (2002) |
 | Messerschmitt: An Aircraft Album
Author(s): Smith Publisher: Arco (1971) |
 | Messserschmitt Me 262 in Defense of the Third reich
Author(s): Murawski Publisher: Kagero (2007) |
 | Mistel: German Composite Aircraft and Operations 1942-1945
Author(s): Forsyth Publisher: Classic Publications (2001) |
 | Modelling Luftwaffe Jets and Wonder Weapons
Author(s): Green Publisher: Osprey (2012) |
 | Modelling the Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Green, Oehler Publisher: Osprey (2005) |
 | More Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile
Author(s): Sundin, Bergström Publisher: Schiffer (2002) |
 | Nahaufklärer 1910-1945
Author(s): Nowarra Publisher: Motorbuch Verlag (1981) |
 | Nightfighter
Author(s): Robinson Publisher: Ian Allan (1988) |
 | Nightfighters over the Reich
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Greenhill / Stackpole (1997) |
 | Polish Aces of World War 2
Author(s): Gretzyngier, Matusiak Publisher: Osprey (1998) |
 | Red Stars 2: German Aircraft in the Soviet Union
Author(s): Geust, Petrov Publisher: Apali Oy (1998) |
 | Red Stars in the Sky, Vol. 3
Author(s): Geust, Keskinen, Niska, Stenman Publisher: Tietoteos (1983) |
 | Red Stars: Soviet Air Force in World War Two
Author(s): Geust, Keskinen, Stenman Publisher: Ar-Kustannus Oy (1993) |
 | Ruddermarkierungen: Erfolgsmarkierungen der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1936-1945
Author(s): Ries, Obermaier Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1970) |
 | Samolot Mysliwski Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Krolikiewicz Publisher: WMON (1999) |
 | Scale Aircraft Drawings: World War II
Author(s): Bowers Publisher: Air Age Publishing (1991) |
 | Secret Aircraft Designs of the Third Reich
Author(s): Myhra Publisher: Schiffer (1998) |
 | Spitfire: The Canadians
Author(s): Bracken Publisher: Stoddart / Boston Mills Press (1995) |
 | Stormbird Colors
Author(s): Green, Evans Publisher: Eagle Editions (2002) |
 | Stukas Jagdbomber Schlachtflieger
Author(s): Aders, Held Publisher: Motorbuch Verlag (1980) |
 | Taktische Militärflugzeuge in Deutschland, 1925 bis Heute: Technik und Entwicklung
Author(s): Dressel, Griehl Publisher: Podzun-Pallas-Verlag (1992) |
 | The 55th Fighter Group vs the Luftwaffe
Author(s): Gray Publisher: Specialty Press (1998) |
 | The Canadaire Sabre
Author(s): Milberry Publisher: CANAV Books (1986) |
 | The Captive Luftwaffe
Author(s): West Publisher: Putnam (1978) |
 | The Day-Fighters of Luftwaffe in WW II
Author(s): Publisher: Bunrin-Do (1984) |
 | The Defence of the Reich
Author(s): Held, Nauroth Publisher: Arms and Armour Press (1982) |
 | The First Jet Aircraft
Author(s): Wagner Publisher: Schiffer (1998) |
 | The German Fighter since 1915
Author(s): Kosin Publisher: Putnam (1988) |
 | The History of Warplanes [sic] Paint and Camouflage 1914-45
Author(s): Nohara Publisher: Green Arrow (2001) |
 | The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Combat Aircraft of World War II
Author(s): Gunston Publisher: Bookthrift/ Salamander (1978) |
 | The Last Year of the Luftwaffe: May 1944 to May 1945
Author(s): Price Publisher: Greenhill Books (1993) |
 | The Luftwaffe Album: Bomber and Fighter Aircraft of the German Air Force 1933-1945
Author(s): Dressel, Griehl Publisher: Arms and Armour Press (1997) |
 | The Luftwaffe in World War II
Author(s): Crosby Publisher: Pen & Sword (2005) |
 | The Messerschmitt Me 262
Author(s): Smith Publisher: Profile Publications (1971) |
 | The Messerschmitt Me-262
Author(s): Maloney Publisher: World War II Publications (1990) |
 | The Official Monogram Painting Guide to German Aircraft 1935-1945
Author(s): Merrick, Hitchcock Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1980) |
 | The Radar War
Author(s): Pritchard Publisher: Patrick Stephens Ltd. (1989) |
 | The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force: 1933-1945
Author(s): Royal Air Force Publisher: St. Martin's Press (1983) |
 | The Royal Canadian Air Force at War: 1939-1945
Author(s): Milberry, Halliday Publisher: CANAV Books (1990) |
 | The Warplanes of the Third Reich
Author(s): Green Publisher: MacDonald and Jane's (1979) |
 | The World Aircraft in Colour
Author(s): Hashimoto Publisher: Squadron/Signal (1970) |
 | The World's First Turbojet Fighter Me 262
Author(s): Hecht Publisher: Schiffer (1990) |
 | Under the Red Star
Author(s): Geust Publisher: Airlife (1993) |
 | USAAF Aircraft Markings and Camouflage: 1941-1947
Author(s): Archer, Archer Publisher: Schiffer (1997) |
 | Von der Fliegerschule zum Einsatzverband
Author(s): Meyer, Stipdonk Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1991) |
 | War Prizes
Author(s): Butler Publisher: Midland Counties Publications (1994) |
 | Warplanes of the Luftwaffe
Author(s): Donald (ed.) Publisher: Aerospace / AIRtime (1994) |
 | Warplanes of the Luftwaffe
Author(s): Donald Publisher: AIRtime Publishing (1994) |
 | Willy Messerschmitt - Pioneer of Aviation Design
Author(s): Ebert, Kaiser, Peters Publisher: Schiffer (1993) |
 | Wings of Fame, Volume 18
Author(s): Dorr, Davis, Bowman, Buttler, Rankin-Lowe, Mason, Weal Publisher: Aerospace / AIRtime (2000) |
 | Wings of the Black Cross, Number One
Author(s): Crandall Publisher: Eagle Editions (2003) |
 | Wings of the Luftwaffe
Author(s): Brown Publisher: Doubleday (1978) |
 | Wings of the Luftwaffe: Flying the Captured German Aircraft of World War II
Author(s): Brown Publisher: Hikoki (2010) |
 | World War Two Jet Fighters
Author(s): Berliner Publisher: Kalmbach Books (1982) |
 | WWII Attack Bombers & Reconnaissance Planes
Author(s): Minoru Publisher: Kantosha (1995) |
 | WWII War Eagles: Global Air War in Original Color
Author(s): Ethell, Bodie Publisher: Widewing Publications (1995) |