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Reference Material for Bu 181

49 Books Found

Arab Air Forces
Author(s): Stafrace
Publisher: Squadron/Signal (1994)
Archiv: Band 11
Author(s): Franzke (ed.)
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (2000)
Archiv: Band 6
Author(s): Franzke (ed.)
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1993)
Archiv: Band 9
Author(s): Franzke (ed.)
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1998)
Bücker Bu 181 "Bestmann"
Author(s): König
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (2000)
Author(s): Weitstruck
Publisher: Aviatic Verlag (1999)
Cockpits deutscher Flugzeug: Historische Instrumentierungen von 1911-1970
Author(s): Cohausz
Publisher: Aviatic Verlag (2000)
Colours of the Luftwaffe
Author(s): Parry, Marshall
Publisher: Clifford Frost Ltd. (1987)
Combat Aircraft of World War Two
Author(s): Weal, Weal
Publisher: MacMillan (1977)
Das Buch der Deutschen Luftfahrttechnik: Bildteil
Author(s): Lange
Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1970)
Deutsche Flugzeugcockpits und Instrumentenbretter Zweiter Weltkrieg: Arado - Fieseler
Author(s): Cohausz
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1999)
Deutsche Flugzeugführerschulen und ihre Maschinen: 1919-1945
Author(s): Ries
Publisher: Motorbuch Verlag (1988)
Deutsche Luftwaffe über der Schweiz
Author(s): Ries
Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1978)
Die Deutsche Luftrüstung 1933-1945, Band 1: Flugzeugtypen AEG - Dornier
Author(s): Nowarra
Publisher: Bernard & Graefe Verlag (1993)
Die Flugzeugführer - Ausbildung der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945, Band I
Author(s): Carlsen, Meyer
Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (1998)
Dora-Kurfürst und rote 13: Band III
Author(s): Ries
Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1966)
Dora-Kurfürst und rote 13: Band IV
Author(s): Ries
Publisher: Verlag Dieter Hoffmann (1969)
Fliegen Lernen!
Publisher: Dr Spohr-Verlag (0)
Foto-Archiv: Band 11
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.)
Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (2003)
Foto-Archiv: Band 3
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.)
Publisher: Heinz Nickel Verlag (0)
Foto-Archiv: Band 4
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.)
Publisher: Heinz Nickel Verlag (1994)
Foto-Archiv: Band 6
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.)
Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (1997)
Foto-Archiv: Band 8
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.)
Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (1999)
German Aircraft Landing Gear
Author(s): Sengfelder
Publisher: Schiffer (1993)
German Aircraft Markings 1939-1945
Author(s): Merrick
Publisher: Sky Books (1977)
German Aircraft of the Second World War
Author(s): Smith, Kay, Creek
Publisher: Putnam (1972)
Hitler's Luftwaffe
Author(s): Wood, Gunston
Publisher: Salamander (1977)
KG 200: The Luftwaffe's Most Secret Unit
Author(s): Thomas, Ketley
Publisher: Hikoki (2003)
La Force Aerienne Croate 1941-1945
Author(s): Frka, Novak, Pogacic
Publisher: Editions Lela Presse (2000)
Les Avions Allemands aux Couleurs Francaises, Tome 1
Author(s): Ricco, Soumille
Publisher: Editions Lela Presse (1997)
Luftwaffe 1935-1945: Part 5
Author(s): Chmielewski, Michulec
Publisher: AJ Press (1998)
Luftwaffe Camouflage & Markings 1935-45, Vol 3
Author(s): Smith, Gallaspy
Publisher: Kookaburra Technical Publications (1977)
Luftwaffe Fledglings 1935-1945: Luftwaffe Training Units & their Aircraft
Author(s): Ketley, Rolfe
Publisher: Hikoki (1996)
Luftwaffe in Detail: Airwar over the Czech Lands
Author(s): Rajlich
Publisher: Wings & Wheels Publications (2000)
Luftwaffe over Czech Territory 1945
Author(s): Rajlich, Kokoska, Janda
Publisher: JaPo (2001)
Luftwaffe Schlachtgruppen
Author(s): Weal
Publisher: Osprey (2003)
Luftwaffe: A Pictorial History
Author(s): Mombeek
Publisher: Crowood (1997)
Luftwaffen Warplane [sic] 1928-45
Author(s): Nohara
Publisher: Green Arrow (2001)
Nederlandse Vliegtuigen naar Buitenlands Ontwerp
Author(s): Wesselink, Postma
Publisher: Romen Luchtvaart (0)
Red Stars 2: German Aircraft in the Soviet Union
Author(s): Geust, Petrov
Publisher: Apali Oy (1998)
Stukas Jagdbomber Schlachtflieger
Author(s): Aders, Held
Publisher: Motorbuch Verlag (1980)
The 354th Fighter Group in World War Two
Author(s): Fink, Gifford
Publisher: IPMS/USA (1993)
The Bulgarian Air Force in Action During the Second World War
Author(s): Nedialkov
Publisher: FARK OOD (2001)
The Captive Luftwaffe
Author(s): West
Publisher: Putnam (1978)
The Luftwaffe in Sweden, 1939-1945
Author(s): Widfeldt
Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1983)
The Messerschmitt 109 in Italian Service
Author(s): D'Amico, Valentini
Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1985)
Under the Red Star
Author(s): Geust
Publisher: Airlife (1993)
Von der Fliegerschule zum Einsatzverband
Author(s): Meyer, Stipdonk
Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (1991)
War Prizes
Author(s): Butler
Publisher: Midland Counties Publications (1994)