| "Messer": The Messerschmitt 109 in Royal Hungarian "Honvéd" Air Force
Author(s): Punka Publisher: OMIKK (1995) |
 | Aircraft of the Luftwaffe Fighter Aces II
Author(s): Barbas Publisher: Schiffer (1995) |
 | Airframe & Miniature No. 11: The Messerschmitt Bf 109 Late Series (F to K including the Z Series)
Author(s): Franks Publisher: Valiant Wings Publishing (2017) |
 | Airframe & Miniature No. 11: The Messerschmitt Bf 109 Late Series (F to K including the Z Series) (Second Edition)
Author(s): Franks Publisher: Valiant Wings Publishing (2022) |
 | Augsburg Eagle: The Messerschmitt Bf 109
Author(s): Green Publisher: Aston Publications (1987) |
 | Augsburg's Last Eagles: Colors, Markings and Variants
Author(s): Green Publisher: Eagle Editions (2000) |
 | Bf 109 Defence of the Reich Aces
Author(s): Weal Publisher: Osprey (2006) |
 | Bf 109 in Colour
Author(s): Ledwoch Publisher: Wydawnictwo Militaria (2000) |
 | Bf 109 K-4 Flugzeug-Handbuch. Teil 9A: Allgemeine Ausrüstung
Author(s): Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe Rechlin Publisher: Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (1944) |
 | Bf 109 Late Versions: Camouflage & Markings
Author(s): Wolowski Publisher: MMP/Stratus (2010) |
 | Bf 109F-K
Author(s): Publisher: Bunrin-Do (1974) |
 | Bf 109F/G/K Aces of the Western Front
Author(s): Weal Publisher: Osprey (1999) |
 | Bf 109G/K Vol. II
Author(s): Janowicz Publisher: Kagero (2005) |
 | Bf 109K
Author(s): Ledwoch Publisher: Wydawnictwo Militaria (1997) |
 | Bf 109K
Author(s): Hitchcock Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1979) |
 | Building the Messerschmitt Bf 109
Author(s): Hjermstad, Phillips Publisher: Kalmbach Books (1998) |
 | Cockpits deutscher Flugzeug: Historische Instrumentierungen von 1911-1970
Author(s): Cohausz Publisher: Aviatic Verlag (2000) |
 | Die Deutsche Luftrüstung 1933-1945, Band 3: Flugzeugtypen Henschel - Messerschmitt
Author(s): Nowarra Publisher: Bernard & Graefe Verlag (1993) |
 | Foto-Archiv: Band 6
Author(s): Birkholz (ed.) Publisher: VDM Heinz Nickel (1997) |
 | German Aircraft Interiors 1935-1945: Vol. 1
Author(s): Merrick Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1996) |
 | Graf & Grislawski: A Pair of Aces
Author(s): Bergström, Sundin Publisher: Eagle Editions (2003) |
 | Jagdgeschwader 27 "Afrika"
Author(s): Weal Publisher: Osprey (2003) |
 | Jagdgeschwader 300: Wilde Sau
Author(s): Bethke, Henning Publisher: privately published (2000) |
 | Jagdgeschwader 53: A History of the "Pik As" Geschwader. Volume 3: January 1944-May 1945
Author(s): Prien Publisher: Schiffer (1998) |
 | Last of the Eagles
Author(s): Beaman Publisher: privately published (1976) |
 | Luftwaffe 1935-1945: Part 4
Author(s): Michulec Publisher: AJ Press (1998) |
 | Luftwaffe Camouflage & Markings 1935-45, Vol 3
Author(s): Smith, Gallaspy Publisher: Kookaburra Technical Publications (1977) |
 | Luftwaffe im Focus, Edition No. 20
Author(s): Urbanke Publisher: Start Verlag (2012) |
 | Luftwaffe in Detail: Airwar over the Czech Lands
Author(s): Rajlich Publisher: Wings & Wheels Publications (2000) |
 | Luftwaffe over Czech Territory 1945
Author(s): Rajlich, Kokoska, Janda Publisher: JaPo (2001) |
 | Luftwaffe Warbird Color Samples & Schemes 1939-1945
Author(s): Publisher: AeroMaster (2000) |
 | Luftwaffen Warplane [sic] 1928-45
Author(s): Nohara Publisher: Green Arrow (2001) |
 | Me 109, Vol. II: From 1942 to 1945
Author(s): Breffort, Jouineau Publisher: Histoire & Collections (2002) |
 | Messerchmitt Bf 109 G a K
Author(s): Poruba, Janda, Androvic, Kokaska Publisher: MBI (1992) |
 | Messerschmitt 'O-Nine' Gallery
Author(s): Hitchcock Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1973) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109
Author(s): Hall, Banyai-Reipl, Rosch Publisher: Hall Park Books (2001) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109
Author(s): Publisher: Maru (1983) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109
Author(s): Alegi Publisher: La Bancarella Aeronautica (2002) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109 / Focke Wulf Fw 190
Author(s): Publisher: Maru (1985) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-K
Author(s): Radinger, Otto Publisher: Schiffer (1999) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109 F, G, & K Series
Author(s): Prien, Rodeike Publisher: Schiffer (1993) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109 Fighters
Author(s): Publisher: Bunrin-Do (1977) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109 G/K Rüstsätze
Author(s): Vogt Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (0) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109 in Action (Part 2)
Author(s): Beaman Publisher: Squadron/Signal (1983) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109: Aircraft & Legend
Author(s): Nowarra Publisher: Haynes / Motorbuch Verlag (1989) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109G/K Augsburg Eagle
Author(s): Publisher: Model Art (1987) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109G/K: An insight into camouflage and markings
Author(s): Goralczyk Publisher: Kagero (2010) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109K
Author(s): Janda, Poruba Publisher: JaPo (1997) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf 109K Camouflage & Marking
Author(s): Poruba, Mol Publisher: JaPo (2000) |
 | Messerschmitt Bf-109 G/K
Author(s): Griehl Publisher: Flugzeug Publikations (0) |
 | Messerschmitt G-K
Author(s): Tamas Publisher: Makettstudio (1992) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 109, pt. 2
Author(s): Michulec Publisher: AJ Press (2002) |
 | Messerschmitt Me 109, pt. 3
Author(s): Michulec Publisher: AJ Press (2002) |
 | More Luftwaffe Fighter Aircraft in Profile
Author(s): Sundin, Bergström Publisher: Schiffer (2002) |
 | P-47 Thunderbolt vs Bf 109G/K, Europe 1943-45
Author(s): Bowman Publisher: Osprey (2008) |
 | Samolot Mysliwski Messerschmitt Bf 109K
Author(s): Kowalski Publisher: WMON (1998) |
 | Six Months to Oblivion
Author(s): Girbig Publisher: Hippocrene (1975) |
 | Sturmjäger: Zur geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 4 und der Sturmstaffel 1 - Band 2
Author(s): Mombeek Publisher: La Porte d'Hoves (1999) |
 | The Day-Fighters of Luftwaffe in WW II
Author(s): Publisher: Bunrin-Do (1984) |
 | The Fighting One O Nine
Author(s): Feist, Harms, Dario Publisher: Doubleday (1978) |
 | The Gatefold Book of World War II Airplanes
Author(s): Publisher: Barnes & Noble (1995) |
 | The German Fighter since 1915
Author(s): Kosin Publisher: Putnam (1988) |
 | The Messerschmitt 109 in Italian Service
Author(s): D'Amico, Valentini Publisher: Monogram Aviation Publications (1985) |
 | The Messerschmitt Bf 109, Part 2: 'F' to 'K' Variants
Author(s): Ritger Publisher: SAM Publications (2007) |
 | The Warriors: Bf 109, 1939-1945
Author(s): Sprue Stretchers Publisher: privately published (1981) |
 | Warplanes of the Luftwaffe
Author(s): Donald (ed.) Publisher: Aerospace / AIRtime (1994) |
 | Willy Messerschmitt - Pioneer of Aviation Design
Author(s): Ebert, Kaiser, Peters Publisher: Schiffer (1993) |
 | Wings of Fame, Volume 1
Author(s): Thompson, Gunston, Ploszek, Dorr, Weal, Donald Publisher: Aerospace / AIRtime (1995) |
 | Wings of Fame, Volume 11
Author(s): Davis, Thompson, Dorr, Lake, Donald, Buza, Toperczer, Gordon, Komissarov, Heathcott Publisher: Aerospace / AIRtime (1998) |
 | Wings of the Black Cross, Number One
Author(s): Crandall Publisher: Eagle Editions (2003) |