IPMS USA National Convention 2009 - Part 2
By Rogerio "Rato" Marczak
Let's take a look at the contest tables. Several masterpieces displayed. As I said, the lighting of the contest room was terrible, but I hope the pics below will give you an idea of the show. Unless noted, all models are in 1/32 scale:


Hasegawa A4

Trumpeter F8

A highly detailed Tamiya F-16

And more:

This is an Academy F-18
There was an outstanding number of Phantoms, mostly Tamiya. This one was my favorite, masterfully painted and weathered:

This was the Tamiya F-15, pretty well assembled and painted
And this one was John Vojtech's one, fully working lightning on wings, fuselage and cockpit. It was awarded 2nd. I was told there was ejector pin marks inside the air intakes...


This one got gold in the category. Beautiful indeed, and a striking camouflage

The Trumpeter Thud as present, with its impressive size

And this is Trumpeter's Super Sabre with a very convincing NM effect

This MiG-21 was excellent, made from the old Revell offering

...the same manufacturer of this magnificent Kfir conversion
The Special Hobby X-15 (although technically not a jet) was a great surprise. I counted five or six of them of the same table - a pretty rare scene - sometimes in the same livery, by different modelers:

Now let's see some props in Part 3.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
© 2009 Rato Marczak
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016