IPMS USA National Convention 2009 - Part 1
By Rogerio "Rato" Marczak
IPMS USA National Convention 2009 - Columbus OH, August 19-22, 2009
Yes, and what a show! This was my first US Nats. Hopefully not the last. It was a real blast for me. I mean it. The number and the level of the entries is very high, and for us outsiders the vendors area was like entering the heaven itself... I cannot imagine how much work is behind the scenes, everyone must applause the efforts of all involved in running such a large event.
The venue was Hyatt Convention Center in Columbus OH. An excellent choice, and mostly appropriate with lots of space and facilities.

The show started on Wednesday, August 19. I arrived on Thursday afternoon, threw my stuff on my hotel room's bed and headed to the convention. I made my registration and did not dare to enter the contest room immediately. Instead, I went for the vendors room. Big mistake... I spent most of the afternoon digging rarities, bargains and accessories, just to left the area with my head burning, as well as my credit card.
To summarize it, more than 2500 models entered the show, by about 1000 modelers. The level of craftsmanship was very high, even among the junior categories.

The vendors area were one of the high points of the convention. Many hobby shops, book sellers and modeling industry representatives attended the convention, where you could find almost everything, from collectors items to newest releases, not to mention the tools, supplies, and accessories. I'm convinced I found the heaven...

The most important thing, for me, was to put faces to names of modelers I knew over the years through the internet. People like Clare Wentzel, Floyd Werner, Dave Roof, Bill Bosworth, Lynn Ritger, Mattew Usher, Aaron Skinner, Paul Boyer, Arthur Bentley, Joe Youngerman, Ken Schlotfeldt, and Chris Wilson, to name a few, were there. I managed to introduce myself to some of them, but unfortunately I couldn't talk to every known name I saw around... I'm sure there were many LSPers there, but those small font ID cards were simply ridiculous (you had to stick your nose in the others chest to read it... imagine the scene!).
Before going into the photos, let me say that my only complain was the lighting of the contest area. Just terrible and everyone had to struggle with the cameras to get decent photos.
VENDORS AREA (or Heaven, if you prefer...)
Let me start by the vendors. Not really many news in the big scale world. Here are some I remember (only large scale related):
Squadron – The new 1/32 F-80 was there with the 1/48 Cessna Bamboo Bomber and their resin accessories. There was a new PBY Walkaround book, too. For those who don't know, MMD is the distributor of Hobbyboss in US now.

Trumpeter - Several test shots. In 1/32: F-14 Super Tomcats (A, B and D) and F/A-18 Super Hornet (E, F and G). I could also check the new Swordfish, MiG-21MF and the Mil Mi-4, all in big scales. They swore the TBD, Harrier II and the 2-seat Typhoon in 1/32 will all be out soon.

Aires & Quickboost - Nothing really new there, but it was tuff to see all that resin while counting my dimes.

Master Class Videos - Floyd Werner was there releasing his 4th video. It was worth to see the models built in the first videos in flesh. Nice guys.

Eduard – They were announcing a new line of PE parts called Brassin, which don't need special tool to be bent in the correct position. I had an idea of what it is, but let's wait and see. And of course, I can't describe my feeling staring at those endless rows of PE, masks, and kits... Gladly I already have my Me-109E-4, but they will will be replacing the wrong canopy only by November.

Planet Models - I put my hands on the Bu-131, Bu-133 and the He-176 in the big scale, plus lots of resin stuff... Too expensive, though.
Harder & Steenbeck - Airbrush manufacturers had a hard fight. The H&S stand had their precision line, including the Infinity for $199.00 and a workshop. Gents, that gun sprays fine...

Badger Airbrushes - Badger was also there and they made a workshop on their airbrushes, including the Sotar 20/20 and the new Renegade airbrushes. I was glad for talking to Ken Schlotfeldt about the new airbrushes, and we had a good laugh remembering the Nei vs. Badger tale. I also checked their Model-Flex acrylic paint line.

Zactomodels - Ah, let me spend some time here, gents. Chris Zactoman Wilson was there with great news for 1/32 jets lovers. The test shots of the YF-23 was on display, as well as many conversions for the MiG-29, Su-27, A-7, the whole Vymple missile family, and more. I talked to Chris for a while, and I was impressed by the quality and accuracy of their products (and his faultless masters). Forgive me the large number of photos here, but these are probably the most numerous large scale news in the convention.

Arthur Bentley Drawings - One of my most pleasing moments was the talking I had with Sir A. Bentley. He explained me several details about the production of his outstanding drawings, and I could check personally why they are ranked as the best on the market.

XS models - I had the chance to see their Hughes H-1 and the Yak-11 in the big scale.

Hasegawa – Nothing new for the rest of the year.
Dragon – Same, at least on their flyer.
Revell - Nope.
Italeri - The F-86F (Kinetic) Sabre in 1/32 was the only new - so to speak - release.

Yellow Wings - Their whole line of decals were on display. I mean the whole line...
Warpigs - Jeff Herne's stuffs all over the table. I grabbed my share of their pigments for 2 bucks each.
Besides these, Michigan Toy Soldier, Wings N' Treads books, Air Connection, Sprue Brothers, Starfighters Decals, The Tool Man, Lion Roar, Griffon Models, Special Hobby, Scale Aviation Modeller & SAM Publ., Verlinden Prod., L'Arsenal, HLJ, Tiger Models, and many others - including hobby/book shops - that I can no longer remember were also there. As I said, it looked like a dream...
I'll leave you with a few more photos of the vendors area.

Club tables were displayed at the mezzanine over the contest room. Eddie Rickenbecker, Three Rivers, Roscoe Turner were among the IPMS chapters, as well as some SIGs. I found many nice 1/32 models there, including a rare vacuum form FJ-1... Check it out:

Now let's see the contest room in Part 2.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
© 2009 Rato Marczak
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016