Brazilian IPMS National Convention 2005 São Paulo, Brazil Part 1
By Rogerio "Rato" Marczak
Here´s a short report on this year´s Brazilian IPMS Nats, held during June 4-5 at São Paulo. As usual, it was a great and well organized convention. The convention followed the same format of the previous years (2003, 2004), helding the exposition at PAMA (Aircraft Maintenance Park - a division of Brazilian Air Force) hangars...always a formidable view for aviation enthusiasts.
Many local hobby shops attended the convention, where you could find new releases, collectors items, swap tables and more. This year, however, I found the number of entries on Saturday deceptively low. My guess is that each time more modelers elect not to leave their models overnight until Sunday...go figure.
The number of large scales entries was smaller than 2004, although better in quality. But I´d like to add that the organizing comitee made a big mistake in merging both 1/32 and 1/24 scales in a single aircraft category, while some figure categories were left alone with just half dozen entries. All awards went to 1/24 models, and it doesn´t sound fair, in this editor´s opinion.
I apologize for the lack of color in some pics (I lost my camera flash during the convention).

General view of one of the convention tables.
Props - 1/32 Scale

The venerable Revell Typhoon.

Another photo of the Typhoon. Interestingly, the modeler rescribed the model trying to preserve the raised rivets.

This is the old Hasegawa Zero with a very well done finish.

Note the interesting painting finish...

... and another view.

Another oldie: the Revell P-40E.

Top view of the P-40E.

This is another old Hasegawa molding: the Fw-190A...

... just to prove that old models can be finely finished.

You know this one.

The magnificent Trumpeter Mig-3, by LSP contributor Carlos 'Guto' Palma. An article about this model is on the way...

Very well detailed interior on Guto's Mig-3.
Jets - 1/32 scale

A well weathered Academy´s F-18 on the judges table.

Note the well done walk-on areas.

Another view of the F-18...

... and another.

Details of the F-18's business end.

A Tamiya's F-15 on the juniors table.

F-15 Eagle.
© Rato Marczak 2005
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016