Zotz Decals | ZTZ32/037: P-51D in WWII
Reviewed by Ray Peterson

A recent release from Zotz Decals is this sheet for the P-51D Mustang. Included are markings for three different colorful aircraft.

The markings are for:
“American Beauty/ Lovely Lila”, a P-51-D-15-NA, serial #44-15459, flown by Capt. John Voll, squadron commander, 308th FS, 31st FG. Capt. Voll was the third highest scoring Mustang ace of the war, and the top ace of the MTO, scoring 21 aerial victories. The aircraft carries a red nose and yellow and red ID bands, as well as the red stripes on the tail.
“Black 600”, a P-51-D-10-NA, serial #44-14626, flown by Lt. Col. Edward O McComas, CO of the 118th TRS, 23rd FG, Luliang, China, 1945. Ace in a day Lt. Col. McComas claimed all of his 14 victories flying the P-51C between Oct. and Dec.1944. This aircraft was his second, and last, P-51. The plane has a black and yellow nose and lightning bolts, and black theater ID bands.
“Hubert”, a P-51-D-20-NA serial #44-72366 flown by Capt. Rene L Burtner, Jr., 369th FS, 359th FG; East Wretham, Oct. 19, 1943 to Nov. 2, 1945. Mustang artwork was based on a figure from “Yank” magazine. The aircraft has a green nose and carries the three red stripes of a flight leader along with a red rudder, red canopy edging, and black ID stripes.

These decals, as usual for Zotz, are in very good register, with the clear carrier film looking quite thin. The colors look good, though some of the yellow shows through the red tail stripes (this could be per the original?). The Hubert and rose art is very well done, and stenciling clear and readable. The only caveat is whether the tail stripes will fit the new Tamiya P-51D as these decals were released before the Tamiya kit and there may be some fit issues. They do appear to be slightly oversized for the Dragon kit, so Zotz may have intentionally made them that way to cover all available kits. I am sure a little touch up with paint would take care of any problems.
Definitely a good and varied set of markings for the any of the P-51D kits!!!
Highly Recommended.
© Ray Peterson 2011
This review was published on Sunday, July 24 2011; Last modified on Wednesday, May 18 2016