Trumpeter | MiG-19S
Reviewed by Menelaos Skourtopoulos
Back in the '70s my brother took a book named Soviet Aircraft of Today (Author: Nico Sgarlato). It was (still is) a very nice book with cutaway drawings and color profiles of the then known and … unknown Soviet aircraft. I loved this book because its detailed drawings and most of them I liked the MiG-19 drawing. I wished then, what it would to be to have a 1:48 Model kit or much better a big 1:32 one?….
The time has passed away and believe me I was a very happy man to carry the big box of the MiG-19 in 1:32 in my hands some days ago!
The Box and the Parts

You look at a nice artwork of a MiG-19 flying along with another one. There are 11 (!) frames with over 300 pieces (I couldn't count them all!) of plastic styrene two resin and one film for the instruments inside that box.

Yes the kit is full of detail and this is a good feeling to know that you'll don't need any extra kits for it.
Superb detailing all over the place. For the cockpit they are 32 pieces the seat has 10 pieces but no harness. The instrument panel is of the sandwich type, that means front panel, film and back wall.

They are two complete Klimov VK-9F/ RD-9B Type 811 (!) engines inside the box and these are two kits for their own (don't ask me how many pieces…).
All of the flaps and ailerons are in separate pieces. Landing gear is just fine. You have two drop tanks but no weapons (eg. the UV-7-57 55 mm Rocket launchers).

You can choose between 3 aircraft. One of the soviets, one of the aerobatic team of East Germany and one Chinese Shenyang F6 (with the parabrake on the fin).

I paid 86 Euro (~ 85 $) for that kit, a lot of money you'll think first, but this is a good price for such a detail level and far behind from the astronomic price of the A-10. I'm very happy to start building this kit, and I'll take many time and joy to make my boy-dream come true.
© Menelaos Skourtopoulos 2002
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Saturday, June 09 2018