Tally Ho | Mikoyan MiG-21 Fishbed J Part 1
Reviewed by Mark Proulx
Tally Ho is a decal firm from the Czech Republic. I recently received one of their newest releases, a decal sheet for the MiG-21 Fishbed J. I am sure that these markings can be applied to the 1/32nd scale Trumpeter or Revell MiG-21, even though it is not specified.

The decals are shipped in a clear plastic envelope with extensive instructions and one sheet of markings. The instructions are superb, written in both English and Czech. The information is printed on high quality glossy paper. Markings are supplied for five MiG-21 MF/SM/R variants. Data is supplied for three Czech and two Russian aircraft:
- MiG-21MF (Fishbed J) 4th Tactical Air Force Base, Czech AF, Feb 1999.
- MiG-21MF (Fishbed J) 43rd Fighter Squadron, 4th Tactical Air Base, Czech AF.
- MiG-21MF (Fishbed J) 43rd Fighter Squadron, 4th Tactical Air Base, Czech AF.
- MiG-21SM 1st Squadron, 18th Vitebsk Fighter-Bomber guard Regiment. 303rd Composite Air Division of 1st Army USSR, Galyonki Airbase, 1985
- MiG-21R (No squadron information supplied but took part in Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.)

The instructions are complete, with left and topside views. In the case of the Russian MiG-21SM, left and right profile views are included, which should greatly assist the modeler in the application of the complex camouflage scheme. Tally Ho also supplies the armament configuration for each aircraft. Unfortunately, the reconnaissance pod which was carried by the Soviet MiG-21R, is not included in the Trumpeter or Revell kit.
Complete painting instructions are supplied for each aircraft referenced to FS 595b colors, with color chips enclosed. Additional information cross-references these colors to Testors, Agama, Humbrol, AeroMaster, Gunze and Tamiya paint. The instructions are completed with an extensive list of available reference material and decaling instructions.
The decals are printed on a single sheet of paper and appear to be very thin with minimal carrier film. They are finished in a flat paint and are in perfect register. I have not tried these markings, so I can't comment on their ease of application.
I highly recommend these markings to anyone wanting to complete their MiG-21. The instructions call this Part 1, so assume further MiG-21 sheets are to follow. A quick look at the Tally Ho website reveals that nothing further is listed at the time of this review. If the quality of this sheet is any indication, I will be picking up any further releases!
© Mark Proulx 2002
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Sunday, October 02 2016