Ventura | V3267: American Captured Bf 109G-2 79th Fighter Group
Reviewed by Matt Gannon
Continuing my quest for interesting 109 schemes I also found another set of colourful decals by Ventura hobby Products, Wellington NZ. The 79th Fighter Group was quite adept at painting 109's with some great colours and artistry. It would appear that fuselage art as opposed to nose art, was the order of the day and this scheme is no exception. The colour call outs are for the usual RLM79/65 scheme and the recommended kit is the Revell/Promodeller 109G-2/4 (Hasegawa rebox).

The decal sheet measures 120 x 100mm and includes the main markings but no stencils. Like the other Ventura decals I have seen, the carrier film extends quite a lot beyond the colours laid down. A minute or two of cleanup with a sharp exacto blade should trim this extra extension up neatly and quickly. Colours are evenly printed and will definitely add some interest and a touch of the unusual to your 109G-2.
The Ventura decal range is available through Meteor productions. Given I haven't used them yet I'm unable to comment reliably on how easy you will find them to use. However, I recommend a quick browse through Meteor's range of Ventura decals as it's clear they have some pretty unusual subjects with lots of colour. Thanks to Ventura for picking some unusual schemes and colourful options.
© Matt Gannon
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Wednesday, May 18 2016