Eagle Editions | EC70; A.V.G. Tomahawks in 1/32nd Scale 3rd Squadron
Reviewed by Mark Proulx

In this review we will examine the third, and final installment, of A.V.G. decals released from Eagle Editions. Two new P-40 schemes are provided, similar to the previous releases. Tom Tullis spent a year talking to former members and gathering reference material. That effort has culminated in this new, accurate three part decal sheet.
EC#70 covers two interesting Tomahawks from the 3rd Pursuit Squadron. The first is "75" with A.V.G. serial number P-8186 flown by Bill Reed. This very unique scheme has a mix of RAF and Chinese National Insignia on the upper wing. This arrangement is currently considered provisional. The second aircraft is "47", serial number P-8127 flown by R.T. Smith. This is the same aircraft represented on EC#69, however it now carries updated artwork after its transfer to the 3rd Pursuit Squadron.

The instruction sheet text mirrors that found with the other two releases as it discusses the nature of the paint schemes applied to the A.V.G. Tomahawks. Decals placement instructions are indicated using Tom Tullis' incredible airbrushed side profiles. Upper view camouflage patterns are depicted, using "75" and its unique markings as a reference. Notes also attempt to clarify this arrangement. Those modelers wishing to make their own determination about this scheme should refer to Tigers Over China: The Aircraft of the A.V.G. by Tom Tullis. It is reviewed here. Actual photos of the aircraft are included in that book.
Microscale continues to print the decals for Eagle Editions. They are printed over a single page. Like EC#69, the limited supply of unfaded insignias for the undersides will restrict the modeler to a single scheme. The decals are in perfect register and display a minimum of carrier film. The famous shark mouth pattern is created using multiple decals. I have not had an opportunity to try these markings at the time of this review to further study how they fit on the Trumpeter P-40.
"The Flying Tigers" were the first covert military group used by the United States against a foreign power. Consequently, their place in aviation history is assured. The flamboyant markings applied to these aircraft have always intrigued model builders. Now, thanks to Trumpeter and Eagle Editions, modelers of large scale kits will be able to fill that gap in their collections.
Review Sample Compliments of Eagle Editions.
© Mark Proulx 2004
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Wednesday, May 18 2016