Data Decals | 32002: MiG-3 (Late Version) in 1/32nd Scale
Reviewed by Mark Proulx
Data Decals has just released their second 1/32nd scale decal sheet for the Trumpeter MiG 3. Between the first two decals sheets, modelers now have a choice of ten different MiG 3 schemes! The review of 32001 is available here.

The first MiG 3 is "White 12" on an unknown unit. The aircraft is finished in a two-tone green upper surface with blue undersides.
Next is "Black 36" of 120 IAP of the Moscow Air Defence dated 1942. This colorful aircraft carries a weathered white winter finish on the uppersurfaces with blue undersides. The tip of the spinner is decorated with a red star.
"Yellow 27" was assigned to 7IAP, Leningrad area. This unique aircraft wasn't fitted with a sliding portion of the canopy. It is finished in a speculative green camouflage pattern.
"White 44" was assigned to Moscow Air Defence. This MiG had underwing rockets. It is finished in a green/black upper surface and blue lower surfaces.
The final offering is "White 64" of 11 IAP in 1943. This unique aircraft was fitted with a small exhaust gas tube connected to the fuel tank for use as an extinguisher device. It is overall green with dark green overspray on the rear fuselage. References indicate oversized red stars are applied to the underside of the wings.
The instructions provide complete details for each aircraft. Interpreting colors from black and white images is very difficult. Data Decals provide a complete listing of all references used in the creation of these markings. Modelers may consult with these books so as to formulate their own opinions as a number of the schemes are identified as speculative. Single side views and upper surface camouflage patterns are shown. Colors are referenced to paints from White Ensign, Humbrol and Gunze Sangyo.
The decals are printed with a minimal amount of carrier film. The color registration and density is very good. The markings appear to be very thin and I would anticipate little difficulty with them, although I have not had an opportunity to try them.
Data Decals is a new company that is supplying quality decals to the 1/32nd scale modeler. I recommend these decals to anyone with an interest in Russian aircraft or the MiG 3.
Review Sample Compliments of Data Decals.
© Mark Proulx 2004
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Wednesday, May 18 2016