Twobobs Aviation Graphics | F/A-18+ Hornet 48-077/32-023 VMFA-312 Checkerboards
Reviewed by Mark Proulx

Twobobs Aviation Graphics has just released a scale combination set of markings for the F/A-18+ Hornet. Both 1/48th and 1/32nd scale decals are included for the "Fight's On" Hornet of VMFA-312. For the purposes of this review, I will focus on the 1/32nd scale markings and their application.
This scheme is the creation of Sgt. David A. Sorenson of VMFA-312. Much of his creation appears to get its inspiration from the earlier splinter schemes created by aviation artist Keith Ferris.
The instructions include four profile views of this aircraft. Fifteen small color photographs detail many of the features of this unique scheme. A complete listing of available aftermarket items is identified. Most modelers will probably choose to use the Academy F/A-18C, as an F/A-18+ isn't available at the time of this review. The listing correctly mentions that alternative vertical stabilizers are required to correctly represent this scheme. This Hornet was fitted with the AN/APX-111 IFF antennas on the nose and the item is included in the Academy kit.
FS 595b colors are depicted on the instructions. The dark gray color applied to the scheme is a mix of FS36118 and olive drab requiring the modeler to mix their own paint. Available FS colors are cross-referenced to Testors, Humbrol, Gunze Sangyo and Xtracolor paints. Color chips are also included.
The decals are printed over two pages. Printing is done by Microscale Industries. They appear to be very thin with a minimal amount of visible carrier film. Color saturation is perfect and all markings appear in excellent register. Complete stencils are included, however walkways are in 1/48th scale only.

These new markings from Twobobs represent excellent value for your modeling dollar. If you build 1/48th scale kits, there are enough markings here to complete two entire kits. I recommend these decals to anyone with an interest in the F/A-18 Hornet or the markings of today's military.
Review sample compliments of Twobobs Aviation Graphics.
© Mark Proulx 2004
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Saturday, February 04 2017