Twobobs Aviation Graphics | 32-011: F/A-18Cs of VFA-94
Reviewed by Mark Proulx
Twobobs Aviation Graphics continue their 1/32nd scale decal line by releasing a decal sheet for F/A-18C's of VFA-94. These decals are to be used in conjunction with the Academy 1/32nd scale Hornet.
Twobobs supplies markings for two aircraft from Operation Enduring Freedom:
1. F/A-18C BuNo. 164048 CAG Aircraft
2. F/A-18C BuNo. 164027 CO Aircraft
The instructions printed by Twobobs are among the best in the market today. Complete details are printed over two pages of gloss paper. You are supplied with left, right, top and bottom profiles of the subject aircraft printed in colour. This eliminates any guesswork. Nine thumbnail photos are also included of the two aircraft and give supporting data to the schemes. As with other decal sheets, Twobobs also include a listing of available resin aftermarket products. Decal placement instructions for all markings, including stencils, are easy to understand.

The second page of the instructions includes top and bottom views of both aircraft. Painting details are referenced to FS 595b colour chips. These are subsequently cross-referenced to paints available from Testors, Humbrol, Gunze Sangyo and Xtracolor. Additional thumbnails are included.
The decals appear to be very thin with a minimal amount of carrier film being visible. They are printed by Microscale Industries over two sheets of paper. Though I have not tried these decals, I anticipate that no difficulties will be encountered while applying them to your model.

Research for these markings was supplied by a number of different sources. Jose "Fuji" Ramos is familiar to many Internet users. Others include Lt. Todd "BB" Peasley, who supplied the photos, and the Commander of VFA-94, CDR. Hal "Doc" Murdock. Given such resources, I am quite confident that the markings supplied by Twobobs for this decal sheet are very accurate.
Twobobs Aviation Graphics continues to supply us with colourful markings of aircraft from today's fighting forces. They are well researched and of the highest quality. I highly recommend this decal sheet to anyone wishing to add accurate markings to their Academy F/A-18.
Review sample compliments of Twobobs Aviation Graphics.
© Mark Proulx 2003
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Saturday, February 04 2017