Crécy Publications | North American X-15
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Publisher: Crécy Publications
Author(s): David Baker
Publishing date: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-91080-996-9 (Hardcover)
Pages: 448
While I do own several Crécy Publishing titles, I've never reviewed one before now, so here we go.
Crécy Publications is generally known for very producing well researched and documented aircraft books. Such is the case with this volume, and I wholeheartedly approve.
As with the majority of titles from this publisher, this is very much a supreme effort, using photos from many varied sources, and there are quite a fair good number of them in this magnificent volume. Printed on good quality semi-glossy stock, the photos are quite interesting, as is the history, highlighting the various stages of its development, and offering a nice glimpse into this fascinating plane.
Not too many publications have been produced over the years (that I'm aware of) dealing with this particular machine, with the most recent probably being the very nice Osprey X Planes volume, so this is a great companion volume to that book.
While I certainly should be used to it by now, flipping through the pages of a new (to me) Crécy title, still makes me smile. The quality and variety of images and research, is truly very interesting, frequently revealing aspects of various details that I had previously been unaware of.
Photo Samples
Lots of data is offered up here; from initial design concepts and philosophy through final manufacturing and air-frame specifics and accomplishments. The entire NASA research program into supersonic flight, is one that is of great interest to myself and others and obviously the net results of that research led directly or indirectly to some of the fabulous supersonic aviation designs we still see to this very day.
For those of us with a taste for larger scale aircraft models, the Special Hobby kits (both currently out of production), are really your only choice, and I'll be seeking one out shortly.
For those with a passion for the X-15 as well as the series of designs that led directly to it, I can highly recommend this volume. Buy a copy, you will not be disappointed.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rate this book as a solid 10, no question about it. Topping out at a very respectable 448 pages of fascinating X-15 stuff, it is highly recommended.
Not being an X-15 expert, I can't really offer a true evaluation of the accuracy of the text itself, and so will leave that to more informed individuals than myself. All other aspects of the book are really quite nice though, from the selection of illustrative photos to the swift progress of the X-15 design itself.
My review copy compliments of Casemate Publishers. Thanks a ton to Casemate, it's truly an outstanding reference book on this North American design, really top-notch stuff.
© Kevin Williams 2024
This review was published on Sunday, April 07 2024; Last modified on Sunday, April 14 2024