Avonmore Books | Black Sunday
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Publisher: Avonmore Books
Author: Michael John Claringbould
Publishing Date: 2022
ISBN: 978-0-645-24698-8 (Softcover)
Pages: 136
A somewhat unique volume from Avonmore, this particular book explores the various extraordinary weather related aircraft losses suffered by the Fifth Air Force on this fateful day, but it does follow along the by now similar lines as other books from this publisher and author. A nice addition to those with a passion for this theater of operations during WW II.
Black Sunday indeed, as the Fifth lost many planes on this day, all related to severe weather incidents. The terribly temperamental Pacific weather related losses that day were so pronounced, that it earned the not so enviable moniker of, "Black Sunday".
This particular volume, again depicts some of the more rather well known Pacific combatants, specifically the American A-20, P-38, B-24, & B-25, and it’s representative material in the form of interesting photos and nice profile drawings.
This work, being dedicated once again to the Pacific arena, offers up some worthwhile coverage of quite a few aircraft in that theater; a great wealth of data to add for those that seek information regarding these types of aircraft working from those environments.
Well researched, documented and readable are the hallmarks of the titles from this author, and offers hours of enjoyable reading.
To me, the high point of this volume, is the overall appeal of the subject matter, combined with numerous interesting facts and various mitigating issues about the campaigns in the Pacific, all packaged in a smooth, attractive presentation.
Typical Photo/Illustration Quality to be Found Throughout
Even if you have just a passing interest in the Pacific air war, you can’t go wrong with the purchase of this book and you may just become a fan, as I most certainly am.
(Not a selling point, as such, but the cover has a nice tactile "feel" to it, reflecting, in my opinion, a dedication to overall quality of presentation that I very much like.)
On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rate this book as a solid 10, no question about it.
My review copy compliments of Casemate Publishers. Many thanks to Casemate, it's truly an outstanding reference book for the Pacific theater of war in general, really top-notch stuff.
© Kevin Williams 2023
This review was published on Monday, November 13 2023; Last modified on Sunday, November 19 2023