Harpia Publishing | Cuban MiGs: The Defenders of Castro's Air Force
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Publisher: Harpia Publishing
Author: Hélio Higuchi & Paulo Roberto Bastos Jr.
Publishing Date: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-950394-09-8
Pages: 137
This particular book, obviously explores some of the various MiGs employed by the Cuban Air Force over the years.
At least a few kits are available in "our scale" of some of the aircraft presented here, MiG-21/F-13, MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-21, MiG-23 and MiG-29 so one should easily be able do a representative example or two that are depicted here (assuming decals are also available).
Typical Photo/Illustration Quality to be Found Throughout
Photos included in this volume are uniformly grainy and not necessarily in focus, but I suppose is the best of what was available.
Included in this volume as well, are a few nicely done color profiles (as seen above), and while few in number, make up for the shortcomings of the photos themselves.
The book is packaged in a smooth, attractive presentation, and on good quality photo stock; pretty good value, given the overall paucity of the content.
For any and all fans of more obscure aviation related material out there, this book is recommended.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rate this book as a 5. For the diehard Cuban Air Force fans out there, this book just broadens the scope of what was previously known about this theater and operator.
My review copy compliments of Casemate Publishers.
© Kevin Williams 2023
This review was published on Tuesday, May 09 2023; Last modified on Sunday, May 14 2023