Model Centrum Progres | Panama Canal Defenders
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Publisher: Model Centrum Progres
Author: Dan Hagedorn
Publishing Date: 2021
ISBN: 978-83-60672-34-1
Pages: 64
Not the first Model Centrum book I've ever seen (I own a few of their armor titles), but certainly the first aviation title. As a rule, the armor books are quite enjoyable, so I pretty much expected the same here, and was not disappointed.
Dan Hagedorn is widely known as an aviation related author, having penned numerous titles over the years.
This particular book, obviously explores the varied aircraft types used by the 6th Air Force, specifically covering single-engined fighter aircraft used for area defense.
Several large scale kits do exist of several of these machines depicted (P-40, P-39, P-26, etc.), so one can easily do a representative example.
Typical Photo Quality to be Found Throughout
Included in this volume, are a few nicely done color profiles. The excellent thing about these, is that each is accompanied by a photo of the real subject depicted, somewhat of a rarity, but something I'd also personally like to see a lot more of. Most photos are naturally enough B&W.
To me, the high point of this volume, is the overall appeal of the subject matter, all packaged in a smooth, attractive presentation, and on good quality photo stock; good value, given the overall intensity of the content.
For any and all fans of more obscure aviation related material out there, this book is most definitely recommended.
(Not a selling point, as such, but the cover has a nice tactile "feel" to it, reflecting, in my opinion, a dedication to overall quality of presentation that I very much like.)
On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rate this book as a solid 10, no question about it. For the many single-engined fighter type fans out there, this book just broadens the scope of what was previously known about this theater.
My review copy compliments of Casemate Publishers. Many thanks to Casemate, it's truly an outstanding book, really top-notch stuff, and I'm very pleased to now have it.
© Kevin Williams 2023
This review was published on Wednesday, January 25 2023; Last modified on Sunday, January 29 2023