MMP/Stratus | Mitsubishi Babs, Vol. I
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Publisher: MMP/Stratus
Author: Showzow Abe, Giuseppe Picarella
Publishing date: 2021
ISBN: 978-83-66549-73-9 (Hardcover)
Pages: 192
This specific volume, deals in general with the Japanese Ki-15 (Babs) and covers this air-frame (and variants) with amazing looking drawings, highlighting pertinent differences amongst the various types/versions.
As far as I am aware, no 1:32 kits exist of the Ki-15, a shortsightedness that will perhaps be address some time in the future, or at least I hope.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction and Acknowledgements
- Notes
- Chapter One: Japanese land-based reconnaissance aircraft 1911-1935
- Chapter Two: Made in Japan
- Chapter Three: Strategic reconnaissance - uncharted territory
- Chapter Four: Kamikaze flight
- Chapter Five: Changing the rules of the game
Typical Photo/Illustration Excerpts
This publication is a nice blend of black & white photographs, with very nice artwork, usually in the form of detailed elevation and plan view drawings of different versions. All books from this publisher that I've seen thus far, are printed on good quality glossy paper, which I also consider to be a big plus in their favor, adding a great additional dimension to the overall appeal of the volumes.
Not a "walk around" sort of photo coverage, but still nice nonetheless.
Containing a whopping 192 pages this volume is seen by me to be a spectacular value, providing lots of information, photos, drawings and technical items that should give the average Japanese reconnaissance aircraft fan a very broad ranging informative source of Babs stuff to drool over.
I'd say that if you're any sort of reconnaissance aircraft fan at all (Japanese or other), this book is most certainly one you'll want to add to your collection.
My review copy compliments of Casemate Publishers. Thanks a ton to Casemate, it's truly an outstanding and unique reference book for the Babs, really top-notch stuff.
© Kevin Williams 2022
This review was published on Sunday, November 20 2022; Last modified on Monday, November 21 2022