Histoire & Collections | Fighters of the 8th Air Force
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Publisher: Histoire & Collections (English text)
Author(s): Gérard Paloque
Publishing Date: 2013
ISBN: 978-2-35250-328-6 (Softcover)
Pages: 140+
This volume from Histoire & Collections is the first H&C title I've gotten my hands on in quite a long time (I do own quite a few already), and I must say that I'm majorly impressed. With the knowledge now that several books from the same series exist, I may have to soon chase down those as well.
Tons of work has been done, generally, on the 8th Air Force over the years, but this volume is the first I've yet seen that goes into such broad coverage of the individual fighter groups and fighter squadrons within the 8th. As would seem logical, book is broken down into individual numerical fighter groups, then the fighter squadrons within those groups themselves.
Gobs of artwork is provided, almost exclusively in the form of individual color profiles, and there are many, many examples here to choose from.
Obviously, kits are available in our scale, of both the iconic P-51 Mustang and P-47 Thunderbolt (the majority of what's presented in this volume), so building a representative version, such as depicted in this book, should prove to be very doable indeed.
Photo Samples/Illustrations
As is clearly evident, the photos and illustrations are really quite superb.
For any and all fans of the venerable fighters of the 8th Air Force (and who isn't), this book is just bound to please.
This book, being devoted as it is to fighters of the mighty 8th, will much more than likely please those that have a passion for US WWII fighters.
On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rate this book as a solid 10, no question about it. Topping out at over 140+ pages of Mustang and Thunderbolt illustrations, it is highly recommended.
My review copy compliments of Casemate Publishers. Thanks a ton to Casemate, it's a truly awesome piece of reference work, and one that will surely fill the bill for any aviation enthusiast/modeler that has a passion for the much beloved and respected Hornet.
© Kevin Williams 2022
This review was published on Monday, April 18 2022; Last modified on Saturday, April 23 2022