Kagero | Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (Oscar), Vol. I
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Publisher: Kagero
Author(s): Paduch
Publishing Date: 2021
ISBN: 978-83-66673-48-9
Pages: 107
This volume from Kagero (typical of several Monograph series, specifically where WWII aircraft are involved), is predominantly black & white photos of the venerable Ki-43 Hayabusa (Oscar), showing various aspects of the Oscar on the ground, many of which are captured examples, and some of abandoned/derelict air-frames. Captured fairly well, are the extensively battered/worn paint finishes, a fairly frequent occurrence, and something that has mesmerized modelers for years, and can help create a wonderful looking model, if one so chooses. While certainly not a walk around type reference, nonetheless an excellent choice for those that may be interested in adding some nice Oscar reference to the ol' book collection, as I most certainly will be doing.
The artwork that is provided, aside from color profiles, is accompanied by numerous excellent looking black & white orthographic air-frame drawings, illustrating numerous changes between models, specifically the I, II and III, with some pre-production stuff also thrown in.
Obviously, kits are available in our scale, of the Ki-43, but unfortunately, no upgraded kits, not for years now anyway; perhaps we'll yet see Hasegawa or the like, come to the rescue here one day. Representative color artwork associated with various schemes/squadrons (in single profile illustrations), are also provided.
Photo samples
As is evident, the photos represent a cross section of captured machines, as well as some Japanese wartime photos, line drawings and profiles.
For any and all fans of the somewhat iconic Oscar (and who isn't), this book is just bound to please.
Topping out at a very nice 107 pages of iconic Oscar coverage, it is very much recommended. This book, being Volume I, promises yet more neat coverage in the subsequent volume(s), and I really look forward to those as well.
My review copy compliments of Casemate Publishers. Thanks a ton to Casemate, it's a truly nifty piece of reference work, and one that will surely be of interest to any aviation enthusiast/modeler that has a passion for the much beloved Ki-43.
© Kevin Williams 2021
This review was published on Wednesday, October 13 2021; Last modified on Wednesday, August 03 2022