Eagle Editions | EC32#172: Bf 109 G-6s
Reviewed by Kevin Futter

With the Bf 109 being a perennially popular subject with modellers, and none more so than the G-6 variant, it's no surprise that there are numerous kits available, even in 1/32 scale. Eagle Editions has released a pair of new decal sets for the Bf 109G-6, which should be suitable for any of the extant kits. Here we examine set EC32#172.
The decals themselves are supplied on two sheets, exquisitely printed by Cartograf:
Note that the swastika decals are supplied in two parts to comply with applicable laws in some European countries.
One sheet contains all the national markings, while the other sheet features the individual aircraft markings and a set of stencils.
The printing is crisp and clear, with both colour density and registration being perfect:

Decals are provided for the following four aircraft:
- "Red (or Black) 7", 2./JG 302, 1944
- "Bue 17", 12./JG 2, 1943
- "White 3", 1./JG 300, 1944
- "White 11", 7./JG 54, 1944
The instructions are full colour throughout, and carefully annotated with respect to each of the included schemes. There's a comprehensive stencil placement guide included, and appropriate variations are included on the relevant sheet.
This is an excellent decal set, well-printed, and supported by excellent instructions. The provided schemes are interesting, and just different enough from each other to provide some variety. Highly recommended!
Thanks to Eagle Editions for the review sample.
© Kevin Futter 2018
This review was published on Saturday, April 21 2018; Last modified on Saturday, April 21 2018