Albatros Productions | Nieuport 24/27 at War!
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

The "At War" series of Datafile Specials from Albatros Productions, offer up a unique look into the world of the subject WWI aircraft, with a look at the aircraft during the wartime years, as well as in the case of this particular volume, some very nice detail drawings, apparently from the Nieuport factory, showing some interesting details and general component layouts. Adding up to around 33 pages, this is a very nice companion volume to the Nieuport fighters, volumes one and two.
This particular volume, is authored by Paolo Varriale, who I have to confess to never having heard of.
Anyone with even a passing interest in WWI aviation, is usually familiar with the extensive line of publications offered, and the overall quality that is typical from them. This volume is certainly no exception, offering forth a glimpse into an era long since passed, but hopefully, never forgotten.
Of great interest to me, are the myriad schemes depicted in the photos (French Russian, Japanese, etc.), that I was otherwise unaware of, both on the Nieuport 24 and 27. Now if we just had some 1:32 decals for some of these schemes.
Also included in the book, is a section devoted to additional references, a nice touch.
Typical Photo Selection/Drawings
The text is augmented with a very nice selection of period photos, as well as nine color profiles (no plan views) of both the 24 and 27, all created by well known aviation artist Ronny Bar.
Rear Cover
Rear cover offers up three more nice profiles (of the 9 total) by Ronny Bar.

All in all, I'd recommend this book without any reservation at all. At a modest 33 pages, this volume makes for a nice addition to the library, and may well prove invaluable when I attempt to eventually model one of my own 1:32 sale Nieuport kits.
If you have but even a passing interest in WWI aviation, this series of books (as well as indeed all of the other Datafiles), may just convert you into a fan.
Review copy compliments of Ray Rimell at Albatros Productions.
© Kevin Williams 2018
This review was published on Wednesday, February 14 2018; Last modified on Thursday, February 15 2018