Aviattic | Mercedes Primer Cup Set

Reviewed by Mike Swinburne

Aviattic has released a set of primer cups for 1/32 WWI Mercedes engines, addressing a detail missing from kit engines provided by both Wingnut Wings and Roden. "What are primer cups," you ask? Basically they are small valves where mechanics would squirt oil to prime early engines before starting. In 1/32 scale, they are very small but noticeable if you know what to look for.

The primer cup set is simple: six pieces, one for each cylinder of the Mercedes engine. They are located on each of the six cylinders on the rear left side; Wingnut engines have a small flat area where these should be attached. There is a small amount of flash on the pieces which is paper-thin and will be very easy to remove. I recommend this simple set to add missing detail to your WWI Mercedes aero engines. This set was purchased directly from Aviattic.

© Mike Swinburne 2016

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This review was published on Sunday, May 01 2016; Last modified on Friday, May 06 2016