Quickboost | QB 32 041: 1/32 Ki-84 Nakajima Exhaust
Reviewed by Kevin Williams

Designed as a quickie replacement for the kit exhausts, these items from Aires are really pretty spiffy, solving the dilemma of having closed exhaust pipes that really need to be opened up to look the part, and Aires has taken all that toil away, allowing the modeler to just substitute these. Cast in a hard gray resin, the parts are air bubble and blemish free. (Designed specifically for the Hasegawa kit, they may work equally well on the Tomy/Doyusha/Swallow kits.)

All things considered, I see these as a worthwhile addition to your Hayate (Frank) kit, should you see the need.
This product is recommended for overall quality and detail.
Thanks to my wallet for the review sample.
Additional recommended reference/reading material
Kagero: Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate
Dai-Nippon Kaiga Co., Ltd.: Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate "Frank"
© Kevin Williams 2016
This review was published on Friday, April 01 2016; Last modified on Friday, April 01 2016