Pheon Decals | Felixstowe F.2a (Red) Decals - Limited Edition for Wingnut Wings
Reviewed by Mike Swinburne

If you bought the Wingnut Felixstowe/W.29 Duellist set and/or don't like the colorful marking options provided in the "standard" early F.2A kit, Pheon Decals has recently come to the rescue with two limited edition decal sheets for the kit. These options are #32057L "Blue", and #32058L "Red" as reviewed here. Both sheets are still available in very limited quantities and "Red" will allow you to depict an early production F.2A from 228 Squadron in 1918 which featured a white fuselage with red diamonds.
As with earlier decal releases, Pheon provides several pages of beautifully-drawn artwork printed on glossy card stock in addition to a smaller folded booklet containing history and decal application notes. One large decal sheet is included, printed entirely in a darkish red. The decals are designed to be applied in sections, with several joined together for some areas, and multiple parts for a single diamond on each side for the area around the sliding waist gun hatches. This approach will aid the modeller greatly in alignment of everything.
The decals have been printed by Fantasy Printshop and appear to be as good as any other release from Fantasy and from Cartograf. There is no white backing on these decals, as they will applied directly onto a white fuselage (hull?), and this also serves to help Pheon keep costs down for the builder.
This decal sheet can be ordered directly from Pheon Decals and I highly recommend grabbing one while you can. Note that this is a very limited edition item and is not planned not be reprinted, so grab them while you can.
© Mike Swinburne 2015
This review was published on Monday, November 23 2015; Last modified on Wednesday, February 07 2018