Barracuda Studios | BR32169: Bf 109G Upperwings w Small Wheel Bulges
Reviewed by Kevin Futter

BarracudaCast, out of Roy Sutherland's Barracuda Studios, has just released a range of resin upgrade items aimed primarily at Revell's new Bf 109G-10 kits. Here we take a look at set BR32160, which the packaging describes like so:
Resin inner upperwing sections with small wheel bulges to convert the Revell Bf 109G-10 wing for the many narrow wheel schemes.
This is a very simple upgrade set, consisting of only two resin parts:

The underside of the parts replicates the inner structure of the original kit parts:

The upper surfaces feature the correct kidney-shaped small wheel bulges, as well as replicating the surface detail of the parts they are replacing:

The casting is crisp and flawless, with no pin holes, resin flash or other imperfections visible anywhere. No explicit instructions are provided for fitting these parts, but since this set is clearly designed as a drop-in replacement for the existing parts in the Revell kit, fitting them should be a 'plug-and-play' operation. There are some sturdy casting blocks to remove, but some care with a razor saw should take care of those.
If you have the Revell Bf 109G-10 kit, and would like to improve model an aircraft that featured the small wheel bulges, then this set is highly recommended!
Thanks to Roy Sutherland for the review sample.
© Kevin Futter 2014
This review was published on Friday, July 04 2014; Last modified on Saturday, March 26 2016