Aero Bonus | 1/32 Airfield Accessory Fire Buckets
Reviewed by Guy Wilson
Another peek at one of the Aero Bonus airfield accessory series. This time, fire buckets.
A pretty mundane subject but one that has the potential to add a dab of realism to a scene at little cost.
Aero Bonus offer a couple of sets in their range. This one is just the fire buckets. A second version includes fire drums too.
The resin arrived in a plastic envelope style wrapper with a card insert to protect the contents.

The rudimentary instruction sheet details contents on one leaf and instructions on the opposite leaf.

The resin fret has four neatly cast fire buckets and the decal sheet shows eight "FIRE" stencils in white.

After removing the bucket from the casting block all that remains is to scratch build a handle from wire. I did this quickly and easily by forming a short length of wire around a suitably sized tool handle.

Having looked at various photos of fire buckets on the web (how sad am I?) I decided to model two different styles of handles.
There are more styles of handle I could try with the remaining two buckets but these will do for now. I could also add a lid or fill them with something resembling sand but I'm satisfied at this point with how they turned out.

The decals are commendably thin and stick immediately. With this in mind I recommend copious amounts of water to help position them. I found they also like to fold over on themselves and because they are so thin it is virtually impossible to redeem them once this has happened.
My advice is to be very careful to avoid disappointment.
As a small element on a larger diorama these fire buckets will add a little background interest.
© Guy Wilson 2013
This review was published on Friday, April 26 2013; Last modified on Friday, May 17 2013