Hong Kong Models Sprue Brothers

Reference Details for De Havilland

Book Cover
TitleDe Havilland
PublisherKey Publishing
Types CoveredDH1, DH2, DH3, DH4, DH5, DH6, DH9, DH10, DH11 Oxford, DH 14 Okapi, DH15 Gazelle, DH16, DH17, DH18, DH23, DH27 Derby, DH29 Doncaster, DH34, DH37, DH42 Dormouse, DH42 Dingo, DH50, DH51, DH52, DH53 Humming Bird, DH54 Highclere, DH56 Hyena, DH60 Moth, DH60 Genet Moth, DH60 Gypsy Moth, DH60 Tiger Moth, DH61 Giant Moth, DH65 Hound, DH66 Hercules, DH71 Tiger Moth, DH72, DH75 Hawk Moth, DH77, DH80 Puss Moth, DH81 Swallow Moth, DH82 Tiger Moth, DH82 Queen Bee, Thruxton Jackaroo, DH83 Fox Moth, DH84 Dragon, DH85 Leopard Moth, DH86, DH87 Hornet Moth, DH88 Comet, DH89 Dragon Rapide, DH89B Dominie, DH90 Dragonfly, DH91 Albatross, DH92 Dolphin, DH93 Don, DH94 Moth Minor, DH95 Flamingo, DH98 Mosquito, DH100 Vampire, DH103 Hornet, DH104 Dove, DH106 Comet, DH108, DH110 Sea Vixen, DH112 Venom, DH113 Vampire, DH114 Heron, DH115 Vampire, DH121 Trident, DHC1 Chipmunk
Cockpit Details
Wheel Well Details
Other Details
Cutaway Drawings
Multiview Drawings
Generic Camouflage Patterns
Generic Markings Patterns
Specific Markings Profiles
NotesOne photo of every model of every de Havilland type

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