Sprue Brothers Hong Kong Models

Reference Details for The Hawker Hurricane

Book Cover
TitleThe Hawker Hurricane
PublisherSAM Publications
Types CoveredFury, "High Speed" Fury, Henley, Hurricane prototype, Hurricane I, Hurricane II, Hurricane IV, Sea Hurricane (Hurricane XII)
Cockpit Detailsgeneric Hurricane (p. 97, 98), Hurricane I (p. 59-62, 83, 85), Hurricane II (p. 61-64, 83), Hurricane IV (p. 64), Sea Hurricane I [Hurricane XII] (p. 81, 82)
Wheel Well DetailsHurricane I (p. 95), Sea Hurricane I [Hurricane XII] (p. 94, 95)
Other Detailsgeneric Hurricane engine mount (p. 100), exhausts (p. 101), flap interior (p. 103), fuselage structure (p. 96), guns (p. 109, 110), landing gear (p. 107, 108), nose panels and dzus fasteners (p. 100), propellers (p. 101), tropical filter [Volkes] (p. 100), ventral panels (p. 107), ventral radiator (p. 98), wing structure [metal] (p. 104-106); Hurricane prototype engine bay (p. 9); Hurricane I canopies (p. 17, 86), engine bay (p. 89), exhausts (p. 88), flap interior (p. 22), gun bay (p. 16), landing gear (p. 12), "slip wing" (p. 143), tail (p. 19, 102), undersurfaces (p. 21), ventral radiator (p. 87), wing structure [fabric-covered] (p. 103, 104); Hurricane II engine bay (p. 37), tail (p. 102), ventral radiator (p. 87); Sea Hurricane I [Hurricane XII] arresting hook (p. 96, 111), CAM-ship catapult structure (p. 112), catapult spools (p. 111), engine bay (p. 89, 90), flap interior (p. 93), landing light (p. 92), navigation lights (p. 92), tail (p. 91), tailwheel (p. 95), ventral radiator (p. 87)
Cutaway Drawings
Multiview DrawingsHurricane I , Hurricane II, Hurricane IV, Sea Hurricane I [Hurricane XII] (all on 8-page foldout after p. 160)
Generic Camouflage PatternsHurricane (p. 121, 123)
Generic Markings PatternsHurricane (p. 121-125)
Specific Markings ProfilesHurricane prototype engine bay (p. 131), Hurricane I (p. 49-54, 131), Hurricane II (p. 54-58, 131), Hurricane IV (p. 57, 131), Sea Hurricane I [Hurricane XII] (p. 52, 57)
NotesIncludes sketches and call-outs of all exterior differences among various Hurricane versions (p. 65-80); a modeling-paint cross-reference chart for Hurricane colors (p. 129, 130); a list of all Hurric

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