Airframe Album No 5 is Coming!
Information supplied by Mark Peacock

I am delighted to announce the fifth title in the rapidly expanding Airframe Album series from Valiant Wings Publishing. This series of books offers everything that modern modellers want when they are tackling a specific subject and includes:
- Period diagrams
- Data from flight manuals
- Data from spare parts catalogues
- Walkaround images of preserved examples
- Fully detailed 3D isometric views of prototype and production machines
- Full colour profiles and concise camouflage and marking notes
Airframe Album No 5 - The Bristol Blenheim - A Detailed Guide to The RAF’s First Modern Monoplane Bomber by Richard A. Franks.
Our fifth title in the Airframe Album series will provide more variety in subject matter compared to our previous four titles in the series and is perfectly timed for the new tool 1/72 Airfix kit releases and recent re-release of the 1/48 Classic Airframes kit.
Contents will include all the elements listed plus:
- A wealth of historical photographs
- Walkaround detail pictures of the example restored at Duxford
- Detailed study of the structure, equipment and armament used
- Isometric views by Maciej Noszczak of all prototype and production airframes
- Colour profiles and camouflage detail by Richard J. Caruana
- At least 84 pages in total
- Lists of all Blenheim kits, accessories and decals produced in all scales
Airframe Album No 5 - The Bristol Blenheim - A Detailed Guide to The RAF’s First Modern Monoplane Bomber by Richard A. Franks will retail at only £15.95 per copy + postage and packing.
For every copy bought directly from us £1.00 will be donated to The Blenheim Society to help support the example at Duxford that is being restored to fly again.
The book will also be available from all good hobby stores, specialist bookshops and ADH Books. Publication is scheduled for October 2014.
Pre-orders can be made via the Valiant Wings website, by ‘phone on 01234 273434 (+44 1234 273434 if calling from outside the UK) or by writing to:
Valiant Wings Publishing
8 West Grove
MK40 4BT
- Anyone directly pre-ordering a copy before October 1st will be entered into a prize draw to win a brand new tool 1/72 Airfix Mk 1 or Mk IVf kit. We have one of each to give away.
- £2.00 off P&P for all individual pre-ordered copies both UK and worldwide before October 1st.
This article created on Friday, August 29 2014; Last modified on Friday, August 29 2014