"Carrier-Based Aircraft" Group Build Gallery
By Kevin Futter

The Carrier-Based Aircraft Group Build ran from 1 September 2008 until 28 February 2009. Twelve members managed to finish fourteen models during the GB, and we present them here for posterity, in no particular order. The images have been taken from the Carrier-Based Aircraft Group Build Gallery.
First up we have forum member Big Matt with his Trumpeter SBD-3 (build thread):
Next up we is EPinniger with his Curtiss BF2C-1 Hawk from the Hasegawa kit (build thread):
Next we have the first of two builds by Erwin, a Guillows 1/28th Rufe (build thread):

Erwin's second build was the 21st Century Corsair kit (build thread):

Forum member vvwse4 completed an F6F-3/5 Hellcat from the Frog kit (build thread):

Russ (ruzlkampf) also managed to finish two builds, the first of which was his A-4 Skyhawk in Aussie markings (build thread):

Russ's second build was a Tamiya Phantom converted to a F-4S (build thread):

TimW has finished a Trumpeter F6F-5N (build thread):

Aldur completed his Tamiya A6M2-b Zero (build thread):

Les (UmTutSut) finished his Hasegawa F4B-4 (build thread):

Mike in Calif completed yet another build of the BF2C-1 kit (build thread):

Forum member dashotgun completed his Tamiya F-4J Phantom (build thread):

Loic completed an amazing scratch-built Nakajima B5N Kate torpedo bomber (build thread):

Last but not least to cross the finish line for the Carrier GB, Butler finished his Revell Sea Venom (build thread):

Congratulations to those who finished a build, and to everyone else who participated.
This article was published on Wednesday, October 10 2012; Last modified on Thursday, May 16 2013