"Stalled/Incomplete Projects" Group Build Gallery
By Kevin Futter

The Stalled/Incomplete Projects Group Build ran from 15 August 2007 through to 15 February 2008. Eight members managed to finish nine models during the GB, and we present all but one (which is missing its photos) for posterity, in no particular order. The photos are taken from the Stalled/Incomplete Projects Group Build Gallery.
First up we have D Bellis's completed 21st Century F4U-1D (build thread):

Next up is Blackbetty with his Revell F-15D kit (build thread):

Ian Aylmer did a really nice job on his 1st 1/32 build, the Academy F-16 (build thread):

Forum member CPNGROATS contributed a novelty build with his Revell Messaschnitzel (build thread):

Dave J finished the Tamiya Phantom kit as a Jolly Rogers F-4J Phantom (build thread):

CPNGROATS completed another fun comic build with his fictitious Aircraft of Vulgaria project (build thread):

Forum member Kopterdoctor finished his Special Hobby F2A-2 Buffalo (build thread):

Last cab off the rank is forum member Allok with his Revell F-18 (build thread):

Congratulations guys, and thanks for participating!
This article was published on Saturday, September 08 2012; Last modified on Tuesday, May 14 2013