PTO Group Build Gallery
By Kevin Futter

Here we present a gallery of images representing the finished builds from the PTO (Pacific) Group Build from 2007. The images are taken from the PTO Group Build Gallery.
First up we have forum member Allok with a paper kit of the Nakajima B5N2 "Kate" (build thread):

Next up is a Japanese Navy Type 93 advanced trainer build by Chris Sherland (build thread):

Our third finished entry is this Ki 84 build by TimC in the markings of 22 nd sentai,Kimpo Airbase, Korea 1945 (build thread):

Yet another build from Allok, this time the Revell/Monogram Hurricane IIB (build thread):

And finally with have Tamiya's A6M5 Zero from RookieLSP (build thread):

Congratulations to all who finished their entries!
This article was published on Saturday, September 01 2012; Last modified on Tuesday, May 21 2013