Hasegawa/Minicraft 1/32 Fw 190A-7 Heinz Bar
By Wayne Bowman

- Kit: 1/32 Hasegawa/Minicraft Fw 190A-6/7/8
- Accessories: Eduard Photoetch set
- Paints: RLM 74/75/76 exterior, RLM66 interior, & clear coat - Gunze Clear satin as final dull coat - Humbrol
- Decals: Swastika, and JG1 emblem - Eaglestrike
Balkencruze, Red 13, and laurel on rudder - Superscale WNr, "100" in laurel, and bar on rear fuse, printed on clear decal film using laserjet printer

Positive elements:
- general fit of kit parts (with exceptions noted below) is pretty good.
- Eduard set really improves the look of both the cockpit and wheel well
- I'm not known to count rivets, but the final result sure looks the part

Negative elements:
- raised panel lines
- raised rivet detail is over done
- kit wheel wells are incorrect
- I/B (inboard) cannon bay doors are not correct shape
- "bulged" O/B (outboard) upper cannon bay fairing / doors are not represented on model (note: not req'd on "light gunned" versions)
- exhaust ports on lower / bottom of cowl is not represented on the model
- area of wheel well cut outs is incorrect so as to preclude the addition of the spent cartridge, ejection chute ports for fuselage cannons on under side of wing / fuse area
- tail wheel is moulded integrally with strut.
- sizeable gap at wing to fuse join
- Cylinder halves didn't aligned very well
- gear struts are a bit flimsy to support weight of model
- Eduard head rest / rear deck arrangement is incorrect, especially when displaying the canopy in the open position

Scratch-built additions and corrections:
- rescribed all panel lines & sanded down (not off) rivets
- some additions to engine (i.e. reshaped top of cylinder heads, added improved "cross links "between cylinders, added small sub frame aft of rear cylinder bank)
- opened up / scratch built I/B port cannon bay
- built up interior surface of gun bay, and engine bay doors, added latches
- boxed in area of flaps (only required if you're going to drop the flaps)
- added gun camera port on port wing leading edge
- added stiffeners / straps in wing-to-fuse area, aft of gun bay door
- added stretched sprue antenna and insulators
- added clear navigation lights on wing tips
- added wires and pipes on MLG from lead wire
- replaced kit cylindrical loop antenna with flat brass loop
- carved away back of engine assembly and bottom engine bearers to accommodate Eduard wheel well
- added struts/bearers in wheel well on A/C center line
- corrected Eduard headrest / rear deck arrangement

- oil wash for panel lines and interior of doors
- drybrushing in cockpit , wheel wells and gun bay
- pastels used for some elements of engine exhaust staining
- paint chipping/wear using silver prismacolour pencil

Overall, a pleasure to build. The only pain in the a*! was the gaping at the wing to fuse joint and the cylinder halves which wouldn't align properly.
Bar's A/C was the "light gunned" version with no O/B cannons installed and thus the bulged doors on the O/B upper wing surface where not required.
As is so typical of these projects, after I had finished the model, Cutting Edge released corrected I/B gun bay doors. C'est la vie!!
© Wayne Bowman
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016