J.Rutman's 1/32 Ta 152H
By Michael Ezat

The Focke-Wulf Ta 152 was a World War II Luftwaffe high-altitude interceptor fighter aircraft. The Ta 152 was a development of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 aircraft, but the prefix was changed from "Fw" to "Ta"' to recognize the contributions of Kurt Tank who headed the design team. The number 152 was chosen as the type was Tank's 152nd design. It was made in three versions — the Ta 152H Höhenjäger,the Ta 152C designed for slightly lower altitude operations using a different engine and smaller wing, and the Ta 152E fighter-reconnaissance aircraft with the engine of the H model and the wing of the C model. The first Ta 152H entered service with the Luftwaffe in October 1944 but only 67 production aircraft were delivered until the end of the war. This was too late to allow the Ta 152 to have a significant impact on the war effort (source: en.Wikipedia.org).
You may take a look at Construction procedure on the Helmo forums.
The aircraft showing here, is the green “4”, one of the few Ta’s from Stab/JG301, as is late of ’44 in an almost “factory fresh” condition. (My next Ta152 will be in very “battle & weathered state”.)
In conclusion, is a unique in this scale kit, needs some experience to build, patience and good planning for your next steps in construction. As I mentioned above, I like to build one more –not right now- and having the know-how I believe the next one will be better than this.
Gunze RLM 82-83-76 were the main colours of the camo.
The swastikas, wing crosses, fuselage red-and-yellow band and the green "4" was created with masking tape and then painted with airbrush.
All the small things like antenna wire, radar antenna, pilot’s step, pitot tube etc are scratch built.
I wish to all of you happy new year an keep modeling!

© Michael Ezat
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016