I.D. Models 1/32 He 162
By Larry Hawkins

Here is the info for the He 162 build up.
It's an I.D. vac kit, and it was changed from Intel I got from the luft46.com site. This site has helped me out a lot when it comes to doing different one of a kind A/C. Here is what I did to the kit to have it look the way it does.
- Scratch built the cockpit interior and added the scratchbuilt ejection seat, an added the harness to it.
- Scratchbuilt the instrument panel and scribed the dials and added some photo copied dials.
- Made the "Butterfly Tail"from sheet plastic.
- Cut the doors that covered the jet engine, and detailed the inside of the doors with solid stock, and added a black wash to it.
- Scratchbuilt the wings, because of the forward sweep that I saw from the pic of the luft46 site. These wings were laminated over shaped balsa wood.
- Wheels and tires are from two sources. One is the main wheels and tires are from the Hasegawa ME 109/E-4 kit. The nose wheel and tire comes from the 48th scale Do 335. It measured out to the same dia. that was on the plans.
- Gear legs are from the Revell 109 kit, and for the nose gear, it was scratchbuilt
- Scratchbuilt the gear bays from sheet, and same for the nose bay as well.
- The engine was used from the kit and was glued in place, detailed and plumb for a little added detail. After this was done, I went over the engine with a black wash to bring out the depth of casting that the engine had.
- For the final step, I added the doors that covered the engine and added the lop antenna to the port door. This came from the spares box, from the Hase FW kit.
- Added a piece of steel tubing for the pitot tube in the nose. Decals were from the box and from some guys that sent some for 72nd and 48th scale kits. The decals I had were way to big to put on this small jet fighter.
- After the decals were applied and set up over night, I gave it a coat of flat clear.
And that was it. Got this puppy done in about 2 and 1/2 weeks or so. The colors were a close match for the one from the luft 46 site. Now for that Su-27 that's heading my way in the mail from a trade.

© Larry Hawkins
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016