Matchbox Bf 109E
By Ken Matras
Model by Ken Matras
Text and photos by Mark Proulx

This is the Matchbox kit of Willy Messerschmitt's Bf 109E in 1/32nd scale. The markings are for German Ace, Adolf Galland's aircraft. For an older kit, this model goes together surprisingly well and in many estimations, it surpasses the Hasegawa offering in the same scale. Overscale surface scribing adorn the model but it is felt that this would not detract from the finished project.

The model was built virtually straight out of the box by Ken Matras with some additional minor detail. In the cockpit, seat belts were added. These were made from paper and Waldron buckles. The characteristic telescopic sight that Galland used on his aircraft was made from plastic tubing. The sight was then mounted by drilling a hole into the lower right side of the windshield and inserting it. Externally, brake lines for the landing gear are the only additions to the kit.

The model was finished with Humbrol enamel paints and covered with a clear coat before decal application. Light weathering was accomplished with artist's oil paints. Decals came from MicroScale and various spare decal sheets.

© Ken Matras & Mark Proulx
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016