Trumpeter 1/32 Me 262A-1a
By Jerry Royer

This was my first experience with a Trumpeter kit and, generally speaking, I was pleased overall. The detail is outstanding and the fit for the most part is very good. It seems that Trumpeter wanted to get this one right. However, every part needed tweaking to get a good tight fit. The trouble spots were mostly in the engine nacelles. I was able to get the nacelles to close nicely over the engine, but the alignment with the front and rear cowlings was bad. They were too large, so I attached a card stock shim between the nacelles to achieve a proper no-step alignment with the cowlings. The wind screen also needed to be sanded down some to get it seated nicely. There was also some surface distortion on many parts that needed to be cleaned up, but no detail was lost. I added wiring to the gunbay, engine, and main wheel well using fine solder and fuse wire. I really wanted to use the "Soon to be available, MasterCasters wheels", but ran out of time cause of an up-coming show. Jerry Crandal's EagleCals went on flawlessly to finish up the build.

I had alot of fun with this one, and so far it's at the top of the display shelf. Thanks for looking.
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© Jerry Royer 2007
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016