Scratch-Built Luftwaffe Bomb Cart in 1/24 Scale
By Dave Robbins

When I built the 1/24 Airfix Stuka my original plan and still is to make a diorama using it and the Hasagawa 1/24 kublewagen with a bomb cart. Seeing there was no bomb cart in 1/24 scale I decided to make my own.

The design is pretty simple as the drawing shows and with pictures of Derek Bradshaw’s wonderful 1/32 scale bomb cart as an example (they helped out a lot.) Once I figured out the dimensions I was pretty much on my way.

The whole thing is made of Evergreen styrene plastic. I used 5/16 “I” beam for the main structure. I then glued strips of plastic on the outside to represent the main out riggers. The forward body was made of bits of plastic and a section of plastic tubing.

Once I got everything built I then started to paint it.
I figured that coming from the European theater that they where originally panzer grey so I painted it with that colour instant of the usually grey primer. I painted it RLM 79 thinking they would use that as they probably had it around. Then I weathered it for the harsh conditions in the desert.

The wheels are only temporary until I find a set of more appropriate wheels to replace them with but I am still working on my diorama but this is what I got so far so I hope you enjoy this little scratch build project.

© Dave Robbins 2007
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016