21st Century Bf 109G-14
By Bill Dedig
How can you not love the $9.97 kit?

I used the tail from the 21st Century 109F kit and aftermarket Eagle Strike Hartmann markings. Some areas addressed:
- The wheel wells with some added detail.
- The intake scoops were all drilled out.
- The props were reshaped slightly
- The balance horns were scratch-built.
- The pitot was hypo-tubes
- Radio antenna was smoke invisible thread
- Added some dihedral (not enough)

Pre shaded aircraft but mostly retained definition on the lighter RLM 76 on the bottom.

All color paints were Gunze and the sealing coats were Future and final coat of Testor's Semi-Gloss.

Mottling is still a challenge for me and I'll continue to attempt. Used a "sludge" wash for the first time with liquid detergent, water and black acrylic paint, I like it better than oils I had been using for weathering.

This is my third 21st Century kits and I do enjoy the modeling challenges with an economic sanity.

© Bill Dedig 2008
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016