1/32 Revell Bf 109G-6
By Ray Hemenway
Thanks again to Chris at CRM Hobby in St.Louis. He set me up with the correct RLM colors and masking instructions for airbrushing.
This is pretty much an OOB Revell Messerschmitt. The decals and the box art didn't quite jive however. The markings are for Gruppenkommanduer Hauptmann Heinrich Jung. Some research led to a profile used for painting and landscape.
The wheel wells were filled in with styrene card as they were missing. The aerial and loop antenna are string.
The figures are 1/35 Panzer crew members worked over quite a bit. Note the pockets on the pilots pants and correct collar on the coat. The mechanic was not wearing cover-alls from the box. The drum is from Tamiya and the crate was scratch built from balsa and styrene.
The scenery is just model rail road material. The base is a plaque from the craft store and some auto body filler.
© Ray Hemenway 2008
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016