Wellington County Modellers Exhibition
By Wayne Bowman
Well Co M E (Wellington County Modellers Exhibition) is an annual model show and contest held in the Guelph, Ontario area, and draws a crowd from all over southern Ontario, as well as northwest New York state. This year's event, the sixth in the series, was held at a new, larger venue, and was once again a well organized, well attended, and a thoroughly enjoyable event.
The competition in the 1/32 and larger scales was superb, with entries of several of the newest offerings in our scales on display. Below are pictures of those entries, which included a Trumpeter A-10 with Cutting Edge cockpit, two Tamiya Zeros, an OOB Hasagawa Bf 109G, and a scratch built 1/24 scale Hawker Fury. I wasn't able to get the names of the individuals who built each of these beauties (although the Fury certainly had the look of another gem from the table of Ron Lowry), but all of those who displayed at this event should be proud of their entries.

© Wayne Bowman 2002
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016