Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire IXc + Kotare Spitfire Va Converted to a Spitfire Vc
By Tom Wilson

Here is my Malta Spitfire Vc.

This was one of the most involved conversions I've done: taking the Laminar Flow Design Vc conversion, adding it to the Kotare Models Va fuselage, blending that with the Tamiya IXc wings and landing gear. You might be asking why: the Kotare fuselage has the raised rivets already, and the fit to both the conversion and the Tamiya kit is almost flawless. I just needed to sand the floor of the Kotare cockpit so the wing would fit.

I painted all the markings and scratchbuilt the crowbar for the pilot's door.

For more see my build thread in the Work In Progress forum.
© Tom Wilson 2025
This article was published on Saturday, March 29 2025; Last modified on Sunday, March 30 2025