Dora Wings 1/32 Dewoitine D.500, Converted to a D.510 C1
By Daniel David

Here is my last completed kit, the Dewoitine D.500 kit converted using my own parts to a Dewoitine D.510 version C1.

The kit is complete with all the fine details such as pull rods, gunsight, pitot tube, cockpit flares, etc. The kit has very nice surface details, but is made of very soft plastic, so I recommend very sensitive sanding, or you risk over-sanding.

Colours used: the base was MRP super silver plus various shades of aluminum from Alclad, Vallejo, and Tamiya acrylic. The final clear coat was a Tamiya acrylic semi-gloss.

All markings were sprayed on; the fighter unit emblem was a custom decal design. final varnish.

After completion, the model underwent a major modification of the radiator and chassis according to the documents and advice of a colleague, which I did not have originally available!

© Daniel David 2024
This article was published on Friday, November 22 2024; Last modified on Sunday, November 24 2024