Revell 1/32 F2000A Eurofighter
By Piero De Santis

This is my Typhoon F-2000A in AMI (Italian Air Force) 4 Stormo colors, based in Grosseto-Italy.

The model is built using the “old” Revell 1/32nd kit: this has details that are a mix between the pre-series Typhoons and the two-seater ones, not the best start to build an up-to-date single-seater Typhoon.
Most of the panel lines have been re-scribed and details added from scratch and using aftermarket sets, too. Here is a list of the sets:
- Aires resin cockpit set
- Aires resin exhaust nozzles
- Aires resin wheel bay
- Cold War Studios PE splitter plate
- Cold War Studios PE canopy details
- Two Mikes resin FOD intake covers
- Wolf 3D Resin Parts external fuel tanks
- Wolf 3D Resin Parts ESM-ECM pods
- Wolf 3D Resin Parts antennas and exterior details
- Wolf 3D Resin Parts APU & precooler outlet
- Wolf 3D Resin Parts gun air vent
- Wolf 3D Resin Parts flaperons & rudder
- Wolf 3D Resin Parts wheel set
- Wolf 3D Resin Parts MEL missile eject launchers
It's a lot of resin sets and a bit of money...but they're worth it because they definitely help in quickly modifying the kit.
The painting was done using airbrushed acrylics from Gunze and Tamiya. The metallic colors are Vallejo acrylics.
For the brush details I used Vallejo colors.

The decals are mostly from the Two Bobs sheet for the "Italian Typhoons", however, the Italian roundels and the 4 Stormo badge are incorrect in size and details. In this case I preferred to use the Tauro Models decals.

In the end I'm satisfied with this model and I hope you like it!
© Piero De Santis 2024
This article was published on Thursday, April 04 2024; Last modified on Sunday, April 07 2024