Dragon/Cyber Hobby/Revell 1/32 Messerschmitt Bf 110C-2 Converted to a C-6
By Tolga Ulgur

This is the 1/32 Bf 110 C6 with the markings of “3U-XS from 8./JG 26” in the African western desert late 1941.

I have used Revell’s Bf 110 C2/C7(ex Dragon) kit with the AIMS Bf 110C-6 conversion set.

The cockpit was enhanced with the Quinta Studio 3D resin interior set.
Paints used were Gunze Sangyo acrylics. Lower surfaces are RLM 78 and the upper surfaces RLM 79 with RLM 80 squiggles. The squiggles were painted free hand.
My reference for the top surfaces (especially oil and dirt leaks on the inner engine cowlings) is Kagero’s “Jagdwaffe over Africa Part 1” book from the Topcolors series. This 110 was heavily stained with exhaust fumes and oil.
You can find the full build story by checking out my build thread in the Work in Progress forum.

Happy Modelling!
© Tolga Ulgur 2023
This article was published on Friday, December 08 2023; Last modified on Sunday, December 10 2023