Matchbox 1/32 Lysander
By Olivier Barles

Here are a few pictures of my Lysander, recently built up from a kit I got off eBay last year.

Some parts were missing such as the windscreen and the wing masts on the left side that I had to scratch-build, and the decals could not be used.

It was in the late 80's that I completed this Lysander for the first time before it "disappeared" when we moved out of France for a few years abroad in 1992.

So, I was very happy to get another opportunity to build it again and have a taste of my younger years...

It is still not easy to assemble the wings onto the canopy and to get a strong bond there.
But quite nice to have a plane with such a unique look!
© Olivier Barles 2023
This article was published on Thursday, August 31 2023; Last modified on Sunday, September 03 2023