Jerseycon 2009 - Part 1
By Rogerio "Rato" Marczak
IPMS Region II (Mid-East Region) annual convention was run by NJ/IPMS this year. The venue was the Holiday Inn at Runnemede NJ, on October 16-17, 2009.

As usual in all conventions, the lightning in the contest room left a bit to be desired (still better than the Nats last August, though), and the cold rainy weather certainly contributed to reduce the number of attendees. Nevertheless, I was impressed by the level and the number of models, as well as the professionalism of the organizing committee. Congratulations to all the folks from NJ/IPMS for an outstanding job.

As one could expect, most of the modelers arrived on Sat. Even better, since I could send my wife and kids to a shopping round on Friday and reserve some time to myself in the vendors rooms (I wouldn't have time in the next day, since I'd be judging). And it was a nice set up... as impressive as the number of vendors attending the convention was the number of new items, rarities and supplies you could find there.

In this report I'll show you only large scale models. Since I was judging the category, it was easier to take good pics during the judging break.

Not much, as usual, but this trio of Hueys in 1/35 stole the scene (needless to say, all from the same modeler - check the bases):

And this is the big Trump's Chinook:

Check out its size compared with the UH-1s:

The jets table was almost a one man's project. Local modeler Ernest Connor brought a "small" part of his F-15 collection, and walked away with a first in the category.

No. Look again, these two Israeli Eagles are not the same:

Another, in dark ghost gray:

A beautiful Trumpeter's Crusader:

And two rare attendees: a Harrier and a F-104G (converted from the Hasegawa kit), both in 1/32...

Let's see the propeller aircraft in Part II.
Part 1 | Part 2
© Rato Marczak 2009
This article was published on Wednesday, July 20 2011; Last modified on Saturday, May 14 2016